


SAT (History/Social Studies Passage, Lower Text Complexity)

In today's idea-driven economy, the cost of time is what really matters. With the constant pressure to innovate, it makes little sense to waste countless collective hours commuting. So, the most efficient and productive regions are those in which people are thinking and working - not sitting in traffic.



=kept going by sth. 驱动,推动。最一开始是对很实际的动力的描述,比如说a steam-driven engine 蒸汽机,但现在往往是比较无形的、比喻的情况,比如原文中的idea-driven economy 创意驱动型经济。


=relating to a group or society as a whole; joint; shared 集体的,整个社会的,共同的。这个词汇用来讲我们的社会或者集体非常好用,比如说: collective action, effort, responsibility, wisdom 集体的行动﹑努力﹑责任﹑智慧等等。

The auto-dependent transportation system has reached its limit in most major cities and megaregions. Commuting by car is among the least efficient of all our activities - not to mention among the least enjoyable, according to detailed research by the Nobel Prize-winning economist Daniel Kahneman and his colleagues. Though one might think that the economic crisis beginning in 2007 would have reduced traffic (high unemployment means fewer workers traveling to andfrom work), the opposite has been true. Average commutes have lengthened, and congestion has gotten worse, if anything.


reach the limit

=get to the GREatest possible amount of something that can exist or be obtained 到达极限。注意这个搭配;另外也很常见的且类似的还有cross the limit跨过某种极限。举个He'd reached the limit of his patience. 到了他忍无可忍的地步。


=state of being overcrowded, esp. with traffic or people拥堵。构词法上相关又常用的是形容词congested堵塞的。和congestion一样,congested不止常常说交通拥堵,还可以用来描述鼻子堵了的情况。另外由于jam作为动词也有堵塞的意思,所以traffic jam也是常见的交通堵塞表达。

The coming decades will likely see more intense clustering of jobs, innovation, and productivity in a smaller number of bigger cities and city-regions.



=gather 聚集。Cluster本身表示丛生的一丛、一束事物,比如花啊或者浆果。作为动词就形象的表达了这种簇生的涵义。


As used in the above sentence, “intense” most nearly means

A. emotional.

B. concentrated.

C. brilliant.

D. determined

总结:SAT一直是美国大学入学考试的必要环节,现在与ACT处于齐头并进之趋势。今天给大家的是推理考试(Reasoning Test) 批判性阅读试题(Critical Reading), 在阅读共三道题中,难度属于中低等。可以看出来还是不太会有生词、概念困扰的。


There is little doubt, however, that desertification in most areas results primarily from human activities rather than natural processes. The semiarid lands bordering the deserts exist in a delicate ecological balance and are limited in their potential to adjust to increased environmental pressures.




=a process by which fertile land turns into desert荒漠化。学术用语,很明显词根是desert.

arid, semiarid

=having little or no rainfall, dry干旱的,干燥的。semi-这个前缀是half, partially 半, 部分的意思。这个prefix很常见、构词能力也很强,比如说半导体semiconductor, 半决赛semifinal, 半清醒的semiconscious.

Expanding populations are subjecting the land to increasing pressures to provide them with food and fuel. In wet periods, the land may be able to respond to these stresses. During the dry periods that are common phenomena along the desert margins, though, the pressure on the land is often far in excess of its diminished capacity, and desertification results.


in excess of

=more than a particular amount 超过。比较正式的说法,就相当于more than. 开支多于收入to spend in excess of one's income. 再或者:The vehicle had been travelling at speeds in excess of 90 miles per hour. 该车辆的行驶速度超过每小时90英里。

Four specific activities have been identified as major contributors to the desertification process: overcultivation, overgrazing, firewood gathering, and overirrigation. The cultivation of crops has expanded into progressively drier regions as population densities have grown.



=eating growing grass in excess 过度放牧。荒漠化进程四大要素出现的全是合成词,很多时候其实我们都认识,只是分析得不够,所以上来可能看着觉得眼生。比如说我们很多都知道牛羊吃草是graze, 但因为看不透over- graze -ing而以为overgrazing是生词就亏大发了。


The word 'delicate' is closest in meaning to

A. fragile

B. predictable

C. complex

D. valuable


托福考试因为是外国留学生来美读书的语言测试,所以考得基本都是学术词汇。应该注意的是学术英语的其他方面,比如说词汇构成(e.g. semiarid, overgrazing) 也是托福考试的特点。


Oxytocin is a chemical, a hormone produced in the pituitary gland in the brain. It was through various studies focusing on animals that scientists first became aware of the influence of oxytocin. They discovered that it helps reinforce the bounds between prairie voles, which mate for life, and triggers the motherly behavior that sheep show towards their newborn lambs. It is also released by women in childbirth, strengthening the attachment between mother and baby.



=a polypeptide hormone secreted by the pituitary gland 催产素。原文有详细介绍。

pituitary gland

=small gland at the base of the brain which secretes hormones that influence growth and development 垂体。也可以就直接叫pituitary.

prairie vole

=a small rodent found in central North America 草原田鼠。这种啮齿动物因为展现出单一配偶制的特性而常常成为研究对象。


=feelings or actions are like those of a kind mother 母亲般的,慈爱的。有趣的是fatherly也可以作为“慈祥的”来讲。

Few chemicals have as positive a reputation as oxytocin, which is sometimes referred to as the 'love hormone'. One sniff of it can, it is claimed, make a person more trusting, empathetic, generous and cooperative. It is time, however, to revise this wholly optimistic view. A new wave of studies has shown that its effects vary greatly depending on the person and the circumstances, and it can impact on our social interactions for worse as well as for better.



=draw air in through the nose 吸。名动同型,名词就表示“吸一下”这个动作。


=able to understand other's feelings and problems 移情作用的。Empathy和sympathy构词类似,意思也类似,empathy = em (in) pathos (feeling) = a feeling in 感情移入; sympathy = sym (shared) pathos = shared feelings 同情,意气相投。


=re-examine something to correct it 修正。这个词在英式英语里还可以当复习讲,不过在美式英语中大家会用review来表达此意。


Complete the summary.

Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer.

The earliest findings about oxytocin and bonding came from research involving _____. It was also discovered that humans produce oxytocin during _____.



The features that ultimately came to characterize Hawaiian-style building—which also included breezy lanais, generous overhanging eaves, and textured exterior surfaces—came about as the hold of the Big Five weakened.



=roofed, open-sided patio or porch 门廊。Lanai是夏威夷语,指得就是当地很常见的建筑构造。很大的屋檐在房子左右构造出来新的室外空间,和我们所熟悉的日式建筑的“縁”很类似。


=overhanging lower edges of a roof 屋檐。其实比起lanai来说,屋檐就是小一点,可能是倾斜的,也不带支柱的结构。


=having a distinct or specified texture 有独特或所示的外观或质地。比如说有纹路的壁纸 textured wallpaper.

come about

=to takeplace, happen 发生。这个句子的重点是要简化结构,把从句摘除,找到the features ... came about 这个主干,就会好理解很多。Come about作为take place讲,带有一种不确定性,所以在这里想成“显现”比较好。

再一个:The opportunity to get into computing came about quite by accident. 进入计算机行业的机会来得非常偶然。

The Pan-Pacific movement was gaining sway, and the polyglot population began finding its many voices and architectural idioms. Churches responded to the "one Blood" sentiment of many of their parishioners by constructing verandah-like lanais on either side ofthe naves that symbolically welcomed all believers.


gaining sway

=increasing control 影响增加。名动同型的sway原意是摇摆,进而产生了“影响”“改变”(人们观点)的意思。这个意思下最常见的搭配是hold sway, 而gain sway也是类似并且很好理解的。


=knowing many languages 多语种的。这个意思还常常用multilingual来表达,构词上都是很类似的poly/multi (many) glot/lingual (tongue). 以此类推说一种语言的monolingual,双语的bilingual等等。


=a member of a parish, churchgoer教区居民。Parish是宗教生活中一个教堂/牧师所控制的区域,因此parishioner就是教民。


=roofed open-fronted terrace 半敞的走廊。也可以写作veranda, 和之前说过的lanai基本上是一样的。


=long central part of a church中堂(教堂正厅)。基本上只用于教堂建筑上。

Architects of the time in general often blended Eastern and Western styles, ushering in a pagoda, for example, to sit in for a bell tower in the task of calling the congregation to service. For a long time, Hawaiian-style building seemed to have little to do with the architectural tastes the Islands' original settlers brought with them from the Marquesas Islands more than 800 years ago.



sit in for

=to do a job instead of the usual one, deputize 替代。比如说“带班”这个概念就可以用sit in for表达:This is Alan James sitting in for Suzy Williams on the mid-morning show. 这里是Alan James 带班Suzy Williams 主持今天的早间节目


=group of people gathered together for religious worship 会众。和上面的parishioner比起来,congregation更是特指参加教堂活动的人,而非仅仅是在教区生活的人。

Marquesas Islands

=A volcanic archipelago in the southern Pacific Ocean马克萨斯群岛。波利尼西亚三角区中的一片群岛。


In the context of the passage, "idioms" most nearly means

A. voices

B. believers

C. styles

D. constructions

E. edifices



但是,同属语文部分的填空题 (Text completion Sentence equivalence) 对词汇的要求就要细致很多。
