Word of the Day:December 22, 2020opprobrium,下面我们就来聊聊关于opium是什么东西?接下来我们就一起去了解一下吧!



Word of the Day:December 22, 2020




noun uh-PROH-bree-um


1:something that brings disgrace


2 a:public disgrace or ill fame that follows from conduct considered grossly wrong or vicious


b:contempt, reproach



"Nonetheless, I remained a fellow traveler. In those days, the term was one of approval, not opprobrium." — Ellen Feldman, Scottsboro, 2008


"After abruptly announcing lockdown plans for England, Prime Minister Boris Johnson from allies and adversaries alike who say he has either gone too far or acted too slowly." — Natasha Frost, The New York Times, 2 Nov. 2020

突然宣布实行封锁英格兰的计划后,Prime Minister Boris Johnson 引起了来自敌手和盟友们的不满,纷纷表示这个计划过于远大或是实施得太慢。

Did You Know?

Opprobrium was borrowed into English from Latin in the 17th century. It derives from the Latin verb opprobrare, which means "to reproach." That verb, in turn, came from the noun probrum, meaning "disgraceful act" or "reproach." The adjective form of opprobrium is opprobrious, which in English means "scurrilous" or "infamous." One might commit an "opprobrious crime" or be berated with "opprobrious language," for example. Probrum gave English another word too, but you might have a little trouble guessing it. It is exprobrate, an archaic synonym of censure and upbraid

Opprobrium 是从17世纪的拉丁借用到英语中的,它是源于拉丁动词opprobrare,含义是“to reproach「责备;谴责」” 这个动词,则来自于名词 probrum,意思是“disgraceful act「不友好的动作」 ” or “reproach「谴责;批评」”形容词 opprobrium的名词形式是 opprobrious,意思是 “scurrilous「辱骂的」” 或 “infamous「恶名昭彰」” 一个犯下令人生厌的罪行或是指受到厉声谴责的人。例如:Probrum使英语又增加了另外的单词,你可能很难猜到它是谁。这个词是expropriate,从前是censure 和 upbraid的同义词。

Name That Synonym

Fill in the blanks to complete a synonym of opprobrium: o _ _ _ m.
