M3U2 Weather一、核心单词:,下面我们就来聊聊关于五年级下册英语笔记1一8单元?接下来我们就一起去了解一下吧!



M3U2 Weather


cloud/cloudy, sun/sunny, rain/rainy, wind/windy, snow/snowy, storm/stormy, fog/foggy, yesterday, degree, weather, make, grow-grew, build-built, cut-cut(pt.), put-put(pt.)


What’s the weather like today?

It is rainy.It was rainy yesterday. It’s windy today.

What’s the temperature?

It is twenty-five degrees.

What was the weather like yesterday?

It was snowy.

What was the temperature?

It was five degrees

三、写话主题:A weather report (参考练习册第59页)


1. 辨别以下单词:

mouth嘴—month月份—mouse鼠2. 固定搭配:

help sb do sth帮助某人做某事,blow sth down把。。。吹倒,blow strongly猛烈地吹,windy weather刮风的天气,make sth strong使。。。强壮,the weather report天气预报,will be将会是,come from从。。。来,heavy rain暴雨,a strong wind大风,the East China Sea东中国海,favourite season最喜欢的季节,not at all完全不,a long time ago很久以前,build a house造房子,grow quickly长得快,a lot of rain大雨,cut the rice收割稻米,enjoy oneself玩得开心=have great fun=have a good time,warm and comfortable温暖舒适


cloud—cloudy, sun—sunny, rain—rainy, wind—windy, snow—snowy, storm—stormy, fog—foggy

4. 温度的表达法:

degree度,15℃= fifteen degrees零下:below zero,-10℃=ten degrees below zero



一般现在时:What’s the weather like today? It’s…

过去式:What was the weather like yesterday? It was…

将来时:What will the weather be like tomorrow? It will be..

2. 询问气温:


What’s the temperature? It’s …degrees.过去式:What was the temperature? It was…degrees.

将来时:What will the temperature be? It will be…degrees.

3. will将要,用在一般将来时,表示即将发生的动作或状态,后面必须跟动词原形。will的否定形式will not=won’t肯定句:主语 will 动词原形,如:I will swim next week.否定句:主语 will not 动词原形,如:The girl will not go the cinema this afternoon.今天下午女孩不去电影院。一般疑问句:将will放到主语前,如:Will you play football tomorrow?明天你去踢足球么?肯定回答:Yes, I will.否定回答:No, I won’t.
