






A success depends on a quality displayed by a person whose knowledge is to acquire about theory and practice, that are regarded as two ways, arisen from in and outside university. As seen from this, it is necessary to get a job done well by both ways, varying with a person’s mind in which the success starts.

They are favorable to his/her having excellent quality that helps one with development of friendly relations on cooperation of subjects with people including teachers and colleagues respectively.

From teachers in a university one is able to learn a lot either about science and technologies or liberal arts. They are considered as being of basic qualities showing to most students in universities, who are enabled to develop intellectually and morally.

This turns them potentially successful in meeting greatly growing demand for learning and/or fostering strategical emerging industries and agriculture in future, if any, that is bright to universities students.

They are in practice expected to be employees or private-enterprise bosses qualified as technologies, together with business management, or to work for official institutions including school, bank and some economic sections under all-level governments, etc.

The above makes me believe in the theoretical and practical qualities, as well as in myself, that are learned both in a university or an academic institution and especially in industrial/commercial society at present. That means the qualities are both getting beneficial to making outstanding progress on human society.


The qualities a person needs to become successfully cannot be learned at a university or similar academic institutions. To what extent you agree or disagree?





正是因为英语写作者思辫追求精神,英语逻辑写作才具有更加鲜明的独特性,这样再次证明:英语逻辑思维开启英语写作新格局 对得低分的模板英语写作者有救了;英语逻辑写作的魅力给予了世界读者的感召力!
