熟记English 300句,中考English无忧虑

—人教版初中英语高频考点、句型讲练系列讲座 (014)


主题句:We took quite a few photos there.我们在那拍了不少照片。

考点一、短语 take photos的用法

1. take photos "照相;拍照 "相当于 take pictures

You'd better not take photos in the museum.


take 的过去式和过去分词: took taken

photo 复数形式 photos, 在中学阶段掌握以 o 结尾的名词,potato (西红柿) tomato(土豆) hero (英雄)Negro(黑人) 词尾加 "es", 其它 如 zoo / photo / radio /piano 等在词尾加 "s"。

巧记:以 o 结尾加 "es"构成复数的四个词:黑人(Negro)英雄(hero)爱吃土豆(tomato)西红柿(potato)。

2. 由动词take 组成的动词短语

take out 拿出,取出     take up 学着做;开始做; 占据(时间、空间)

take place 发生 take away 拿走 take down 拆除;记录;往下拽

take off 脱下(衣,帽,鞋等)拿掉; (飞机) 起飞 take after (外貌或行为) 像

take in 吸入;吞入(体内) take one's place 代替、替换 take breaks (take a break) 休息

take it easy 别紧张 take care of 关心,照顾,保管  a trip 去旅行 take (an active) part in

(积极)参加(活动) take photos 拍照 take…seriously 认真对待……

take risks (take a risk) 冒险 take one's temperature 量体温

take pride in 为……感到自豪 take action 采取行动

词组串记:由动词 take 组成的短语

请拿出(take out) 纸和笔,记录(take down)你去旅行(take a trip) 的注意事项:

第一、登机前要量体温(take one's temperature)。 飞机起飞(take off) 后,不要紧张(take it easy), 好好休息( take breaks)。

第二、学会照顾好(take care of )自己,认真对待(take …seriously) 每一项活动, 不要冒险(take risks), 不要有事故发生(take place)。

第三、积极参加(take an active part in ) 团队的活动,学着开始做(take up ) 一些有意义的活动,如拍照(take photos) 、捡拾垃圾并带走(take away)垃圾。

文明出行,人人有责。希望你们能为自己良好的行为感到自豪(take pride in everything good you do)

考点二、短语 quite a few 的用法

1. quite十分,相当,后可加形容词、副词 quite interesting quite difficult

和a / an 连用时要置于a/an之前。

I have quite a lot of questions. 我有相当多的问题。

2. a few/ few 和 a little / little 的用法

(1)a few / few 修饰可数名词复数a little / little 修饰不可数名词

(2)a few / a little 表示肯定(尽管"少");few / little 表示否定

It's too cold today. There are few people in the park.

Mr. Smith is new here, but he has made a few friends.

There is little rain this year. People here are in great need of water.

—Can you speak Japanese? — Yes, but only a little.


1. 他拿出相机开始拍照。

He took out his camera and started to . (2019年天津中考)

2. John, please your dictionary from the schoolbag and look up the new word.

A. take away B. take up C. take off D. take out (2019广西北部湾经济区)

3. Father was so busy with his work that he had time to read the newspaper.

A. some B. little C. much D. a bit of (2019甘肃高中招生)

4. Don't worry. There is still time left.

A. few B. a few C. little D. a little

5. —Would you like some more tea? —Yes, just .

A.much B.a little  C.a few  D.little

6. Tom has friends here. He feels lonely.

A. few B. a few C. little D. a little
