





5 Mr Eddie 埃迪先生

A few days later,Robyn and her companions arrived in the small town of Docker. Now she was in the middle of Aborigine country. The countryside was full of places, like Ayers Rock, which were special to the Aborigines. Robyn planned to go from Docker to Pipalyatjara, but she wanted to avoid the usual routes and go across the country.


'You need an old Aborigine man to go with you, someone told her in Docker.'Women aren’t allowed to go to some of these places. You should have a guide.’


Robyn knew that this was true, so she asked the old men in the town if one of them would go with her to Pipalyatjara.They were all very polite, but the answer was'no’ Robyn did not look forward to travelling the 250 kilometres alone, but a few days later she left Docker for Pipalyatjara.


One night, about forty kilometres from Docker, Robyn was sitting at her camp fire with Diggity when she heard the sound of a car in the distance'Who do you think it is, Diggity?’Diggity immediately jumped up and started barking,as she usually did when she heard a noise.


It was Aborigines - one young man and three old ones. They stayed the night and gave some of their rabbit supper to Robyn. One of the old men spoke good English and he talked and talked. Robyn liked one of the others very much. He was very small and thin and quiet.He did not speak much English, so Robyn spoke to him with her few words of Pitjantjara.


Early next morning, the men decided that one of them should go with Robyn to Pipalyatjara. She was delighted when she heard that it was going to be the small, quiet one. 'Mr Eddie,’said the man and pointed to himself. Robyn smiled at the little man. She knew that they were going to be good friends.第二天一早,这些人决定他们应该派一个人陪萝宾走到皮帕利雅特加拉。得知陪伴自己的将是那个瘦小而沉默寡言的土著人,萝宾很高兴。那个人指着自己说:“埃迪先生。”萝宾对这个小个子露出了微笑。她知道他们会成为好朋友。

At first, Robyn was worried that Mr Eddie would not be able to walk thirty-two kilometres a day. He was old, and did not look very strong. In fact, he could easily walk eighty kilometres a day. Robyn also found that she no longer needed maps. Mr Eddie knew exactly where he was going. They spoke to each other in Pitjantjara. Sometimes it was difficult, but they always found something to laugh about together. They liked to laugh at the tourists with their cameras. They became good friends on the journey, and Eddie fell in love with Robyn's rifle, which he kept near to him day and night.


Two days later they arrived in Pipalyatjara, Eddies home. Robyn knew Glendle, an official there, and she stayed with him for a few days.He told her about the work he was doing with the Aborigines.


'We have to help the Aborigines to fight for their land,’said Glendle at supper one evening.'But the problem is that they don’t think that the land really belongs to them.’


Robyn did not understand. 'What do you mean?’she asked.


'Well, for them the idea of owning land is strange- the land can own them, but they can't own the land.'


Robyn learnt a lot about the Aborigines in Pipalyatjara. Soon, however, it was time to go again. It was now June, and she had only completed a third of her journey. She still had the Gibson Desert ahead of her, and she wanted to get across it before the hotter weather in late September.


She asked Eddie if he would I go with her to Warburton, a town 320 kilometres to the west. At first he said no, because he was 'too old’, and anyway he needed new shoes. But Robyn promised to buy him some new shoes and his own rifle when they arrived in Warburton. Finally, the old man agreed, and they left.


That evening, Eddie took Robyn away from the route she had planned, because he had been born in this country and knew it very well. For a week they walked through the country, and, when they camped at night, Eddie told her many stories about the Aborigines and their customs.


They were almost at Warburton, but how much further was it exactly? Robyn asked some young Aborigines in a car. 'Little bit long way, maybe two sleeps,’they replied. It was always like this when she asked an Aborigine about distances. When she told them she was going to the sea(uru pulka - big lake), they said,'Long, long way, too many sleeps that uru pulka.


On their last night together, Eddie told Robyn that he would find her another guide after Warburton. Robyn asked him not to do this. The next part would be 640 kilometres of waterless desert -- the Gibson Desert - and Robyn had decided that she wanted to go across it alone. Eddie shook .his head sadly, but Robyn had made her decision.


Glendle had driven from Pipalyatjara to take Eddie home. Before Eddie left, Robyn gave him his new rifle. Eddie took it proudly, smiled at her, held her arm and shook his head. Then he got into Glendle's car and they drove off. Robyn was alone once more.


