

Do fish get bored living in an aquarium for all of their life?鱼一辈子都生活在鱼缸里会感到烦闷吗?

评论翻译Seanna WhittI think we might have a tendency to anthropomorphize the “emotions” and psychology of animals often in an effort to empathize with them. Do they share our feelings of “boredom”?My daughter often asks me if a given animal is “smart”, and I respond to her that every creature is incredibly smart in their own ways, which are very different from ours- in many ways that we don't understand.Aquarium fish are in a position where their instinctual behavior is pretty oppressed because of captivity. Is this confusing to them too?I've kept an aquarium for four years now and I"ve wondered the same thing. To this extent, I research and try to maintain my tank to mimic as much of their natural environment (wood, sand,gravel, different size rocks, varieties of different plants,etc.) with nooks and crevices- but the distortion and barrier of glass walls, filters, water quality…. Okay, so boredom:Every week or two I move things around in the tank, add something new or take something out- in their natural environment they’ve never ‘stepped in the same river twice’, so I try to rotate their surroundings with the hope that this might help to mimic their ever changing environment in the natural world; for them to hopefully, maybe find some reprieve from the stasis of a tank environment. I also place pictures of aquatic environments on a panel of the tank and change them around occasionally too. Is this guilt or fish keeping?我认为我们可能倾向于将动物的“情绪”和心理拟人化,以便与它们产生共鸣。他们和我们一样感到“烦闷”吗?我女儿经常问我,某个特定的动物是否“聪明”,我回答她说,每一种生物都以其自身的方式表现出难以置信的聪明,这与我们的方式非常不同——在许多方面我们都不理解。鱼缸里的鱼由于被囚禁,它们的本能行为受到了极大的压抑。这也让他们困惑吗?我养了一个鱼缸四年,我也在想同样的事情。在某种程度上,我研究并试图维护我的鱼缸,以尽可能多地模仿它们的自然环境(木材、沙子、砾石、不同大小的岩石、不同种类的植物等),有角落和缝隙——但玻璃墙、过滤器、水质问题……好吧,那么烦闷:每一两周,我都会在水箱里移动一些东西,添加一些新的东西,或者取出一些东西——在它们的自然环境中,它们从来没有“两次踏入同一条河”,所以我试着不停改变它们的周围环境,希望这可能有助于模仿它们在自然界中不断变化的环境,希望他们能从周围环境的停滞中找到一些喘息的机会。我还把水生环境的照片放在水箱的面板上,偶尔也换一下照片。所以,这是内疚还是养鱼?Anthony WashingtonI’m pretty sure they do. But as long as their needs are met, they can still love their lives. Even the best tank at an aquarium can’t compare with the majestic seas but they can live longer in a tank since there are no predators.If you think about it, humans sorta live in a self imposed “tank”. The earth is 196 million square miles large yet most of us stay within a 20 mile radius for the majority of our lives. We wake up at the same time, eat more or less the same foods, drive the same car to our same job, and go back to our same home to do the same mundane activities, then we go to sleep, wake up, and do it all over again. But as long as our basic needs are met and we have company, we don’t really complain of boredom. Just think of that same concept on a more simplistic level with fish.Maybe fish don’t really expect much more out of life since they were already bred and raised in a pet store tank before you purchased it. As long as they have food, a clean & safe environment, and other fish to keep them company, they should be alright. That’s just like humans. As long as we have food, shelter, security, and loved ones around, we’ll be just fine!I usually stay within a 10 mile radius 99.99% of the time and I barely ever wonder what life is like on the other side of the Earth. So I would assume that a pet fish is not worried about missing out on the deep blue sea. They adapt to their environment and make the most out of their existence.我敢肯定他们会的。但只要他们的需求得到满足,他们仍然可以热爱自己的生活。即使是水族馆里最好的鱼缸也无法与雄伟的大海相比,但由于没有食肉动物,它们可以在鱼缸里活得更长。想想看,人类也生活在一个自己制造的“水箱”里。地球有1.96亿平方英里大,但我们大多数人一生中的大部分时间都在半径为20英里的范围内。我们在同一时间醒来,吃差不多相同的食物,开同样的车去做同样的工作,回到同样的家做同样的日常活动,然后我们睡觉,醒来,然后重新开始。但只要我们的基本需求得到满足,有人陪伴,我们就不会抱怨烦闷。只需在更简单的层面上思考鱼的相同状况。也许鱼真的不会对生活有太多期望,因为在你购买之前,它们已经在宠物店的鱼缸里繁殖和饲养了。只要他们有食物、干净安全的环境,还有其他鱼类陪伴,他们就应该没事。就像人类一样。只要我们身边有食物、庇护所、安全和亲人,我们就会没事的!我通常99.99%的时间都在10英里半径范围内活动,我几乎从不想知道地球另一边的生活是什么样子的。所以我认为宠物鱼并不担心错过深蓝色的海洋。他们适应环境,充分享受自己的存在。原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处Anastasia WeaverAnother good point. Most aquarium fish are captive bred and don't know any other life. So if they are provided for well, they shouldn't get “bored” as they don't know what they're missing. Fish live in here and now. You require a sense of what you're potentially missing out on to get “bored" Though, it is helpful to change things up in the tank a bit every now and then. Adding in growing plants that change over time, adding dried leaves or driftwood pieces to forage in or hide under, switching out decor, etc. It's really cool to see their behaviour change based on their surroundings, and it seems to make them healthier and more resistant. I think rather than “bored", fish can be either stressed out or content and healthy, and thus either showing normal behaviour or abnormal behaviour in response to the stress or lack of stress. If that makes sense?上面的观点很好。大多数鱼缸里的鱼都是圈养的,不认识任何其他生物。所以,如果鱼缸里基本物质准备得好,他们不应该感到“烦闷”,因为他们不知道自己错过了什么。鱼生活在此时此地。你需要意识到你可能错过了什么才会“感到烦闷”,不过,时不时地改变一下水箱里的东西是有帮助的。加入随着时间的推移而变化的植物,加入干燥的叶子或浮木块方便他们觅食或藏在下面,更换装饰等等。看到它们的行为随着环境的变化而变化,这真的很酷,而且似乎这能使它们更健康、更具抵抗力。我认为这不是“烦闷”,鱼要么压力过大,要么心满意足,身体健康,因此在压力或缺乏压力的情况下,鱼要么表现出正常行为,要么表现出异常行为。这有意义吗?Daniel SchwagerI own a young flowerhorn.I truly believe that we have developed a relationship in a similar way to a dog or other similar pet. Granted it's largely based on food but so is a relationship with a dog.From what I can tell he recognizes me specifically and swims frantically around the tank when I get home from work as if he's excited to see me. It is quite clear that he likes having someone else there with him and interacts when I am near the tank.Like most flowerhorns I keep him alone in a tank for various reasons, mostly he would destroy any other fish I would house him with, maybe one day when he's moved to his forever tank.From these interactions it seems clear to me that he can get bored and enjoys or needs interaction. He is right by my desk and I spend a good amount of time interacting so he won't get bored.This level of cognitive abilities does not seem to be universal to fish. It is just my opinion from observation but chichlids seem to have a more inquisitive mind, likely from being predators.In summary I would say, yes, some fish can indeed get bored.我有一只小罗汉鱼。我真的相信,我们已经建立了一种类似于狗或其他类似宠物的关系。当然,这主要是基于食物,但与狗的关系也是如此。据我所知,他能认出我,当我下班回家时,他会疯狂地在水箱里游来游去,好像看到我很兴奋。很明显,他喜欢有其他人和他在一起,当我靠近水箱时,他会与我互动。像大多数罗汉鱼一样,我出于各种原因把它单独关在一个鱼缸里,大多数情况下,它会破坏我将它关在一起的任何其他鱼,也许有一天,它会搬到它永远的鱼缸里。从这些互动中,我很清楚,他可能会感到烦闷,喜欢或需要互动。他就在我的桌子旁边,我花了很多时间和他互动,这样他就不会感到烦闷了。这种认知能力水平似乎并不普遍适用于鱼类。这只是我从观察中得出的观点,但丽鱼科的鱼似乎有一个更好奇的头脑,很可能是因为它是捕食者。总之,我想说,是的,有些鱼确实会感到烦闷。
