Lynette: "And we integrated the corporate logo into the jungle background creating not only an ad for the clothing, but for the company, itself."


Ed: "I don't get it."


Lynette: "What, um, don't you get?"


Ed: "The whole idea just kinda makes my head hurt." (to Nina) "Is it just me?"


Nina: "No, nuh uh. You're right, it stinks."


Ed: "Sorry guys. Back to the drawing board. Well, I got tickets to a game." (to Nina) "Nina, you do whatever you have to do to keep us afloat here."


Nina: " You got it."


Nina: "Looks like it gonna be another late night at the office. Nice work, everybody. Thank you."


Lynette: "Could you can the attitude, Nina?"


Nina: "I'm sorry, what did you just say?"


Lynette: "You're being rude and it's totally out of line. You know how hard we all worked on this."


Nina: "Yeah, I do."


Lynette: "Nina, I think I speak for everyone here when I say we are sick and tired of your abuse. Frankly, you owe us an apology."


Nina: "Is, is this true? I mean, I would be mortified if I thought that I hurt any of you. I mean,if anybody feels like I owe them an apology, please speak up. You? You? You? Gee, Lynette, I guess you were mistaken. All right, let's recap, shall we? Stinky pitch, working late, no apologies."


Lynette: "Guys, we talked about this. What happened to standing up for ourselves?"


Stu: "Hot muffins! Any takers?"


Lynette: "No, Stu! These people don't deserve muffins."



  • Lynette: "And we integrated the corporate logo into the jungle background creating not only an ad for the clothing, but for the company, itself."
  • Ed: "I don't get it."
  • Lynette: "What, um, don't you get?"
  • Ed: "The whole idea just kinda makes my head hurt." (to Nina) "Is it just me?"
  • Nina: "No, nuh uh. You're right, it stinks."
  • Ed: "Sorry guys. Back to the drawing board. Well, I got tickets to a game." (to Nina) "Nina, you do whatever you have to do to keep us afloat here."
  • Nina: "Got it."
  • Nina: "Looks like it going to be another late night at the office. Nice work, everybody. Thank you."
  • Lynette: "Could you can the attitude, Nina?"
  • Nina: "I'm sorry, what did you just say?"
  • Lynette: "You're being rude and it's totally out of line. You know how hard we all worked on this."
  • Nina: "Yeah, I do."
  • Lynette: "Nina, I think I speak for everyone here when I say we are sick and tired of your abuse. Frankly, you owe us an apology."
  • Nina: "Is, is this true? I mean, I would be mortified if I thought that I hurt any of you. If anybody feels like I owe them an apology, please speak up. You? You? You? Gee, Lynette, I guess you were mistaken. All right, let's recap, shall we? Stinky pitch, working late, no apologies.
  • Lynette: "Guys, we talked about this. What happened to standing up for ourselves?"
  • Stu: "Hot muffins! Any takers?"
  • Lynette: "No, Stu! These people don't deserve muffins."
  • 勒奈特:我们把公司的商标融入丛林背景,不仅仅是给衣服打广告,也树立了公司形象。 埃德:我不明白你的意思。 勒奈特:不理解吗? 埃德:我只知道这创意让我头疼,难道只有我这么想吗? 妮娜:不还有我,你说的对,这真是个馊主意。 埃德:抱歉,伙计们,从头开始吧。我去看球赛了,妮娜,尽你所能让大伙好好干。 妮娜:放心。 妮娜:看来又要加班了,大家加油,多谢。 勒奈特:妮娜,你的态度能不能缓和点? 妮娜:抱歉你说什么了? 勒奈特:你太过分了,超过底线了。你知道我们大家为此付出了多少心血了。 妮娜:对呀,我知道。 勒奈特:妮娜,我想我在为大家说话,我们受够你这副德性了,坦白说你该对大家说道歉。 妮娜:这是真的吗?如果我之前伤到你们了,我很抱歉,如果大家都要想我说道歉,请大声说出来,是你吗?你吗?还是你?天啊,勒奈特,我想是你误会了。让我们重新振作,好吗?方案糟糕就得加班改,没有道歉。 勒奈特:你们啊,我们说好了的啊,怎么该挺身而出的时候就畏畏缩缩了。 斯图:刚出炉的小松饼,有人要吗? 勒奈特:不用了,斯图,这些人不配吃松饼。
