
We use either the verb to play, to do or to go to refer to sports.

我们会用play, do或go来连接运动名词。

E.g. He plays football. She does gymnastics. We go snowboarding every winter.



We use to play for the following sports:



- This name refers to different sports, depending on which country you are in. In the USA, (American) football is a very strategic game that is played with an oval-shaped ball. It is called gridiron in other parts of the world. In Australia, football refers to Australian Rules Football, which is a very fast paced game that is also played with an oval-shaped ball and the players use both their hands and their feet. In New Zealand, football may refer to the game of rugby, which involves an oval-shaped ball and fifteen players on each team. In the rest of the world, football usually refers to what we call soccer in Australia, New Zealand and the USA.

- 在不同的国家,这个名词可能表示不同的运动。在美国,Americanfootball是一种非常具有战略性的比赛,使用椭圆形的球。它在世界其他地方被称为gridiron。在澳大利亚,football是指澳大利亚规则足球,这是一种非常快节奏的比赛,也用椭圆形的球玩,球员可以使用双手和双脚。在新西兰,football可能是指rugby,其中包括一个椭圆形的球,每个队十五个球员。在世界其他地方,football通常指的是我们在澳大利亚,新西兰和美国所说的soccer


- is a fast and skillful game that is played on a court that is divided into sections. It is played with a round ball that is approximately the same size as a soccer ball. The aim is to get as many goals as possible by 'shooting' the ball through the ring. A netball ring is similar to a basketball ring, but it does not have a backboard.

  • American football:美式足球

  • Australian rules:澳大利亚足球

  • archery:射箭

  • artistic gymnastics:艺术体操

  • athletics (track and field):田径

  • badminton:羽毛球

  • baseball:棒球

  • basketball:篮球

  • bowling:保龄球

  • boxing:拳击

  • cricket:板球

  • cycling:骑脚踏车兜风

  • diving:潜水

  • fencing:击剑

  • football (soccer):足球

  • golf:高尔夫球运动

  • handball:手球

  • hockey:曲棍球

  • horse riding:骑马

  • ice hockey:冰上曲棍球

  • judo:柔道

  • karate:空手道

  • kayaking:皮艇运动

  • lacrosse:长曲棍球

  • netball:篮网球

  • polo:马球

  • rhythmic gymnastics:艺术体操

  • rowing:划船

  • rugby (union):英式橄榄球(联盟)

  • rugby league:英式橄榄球联盟

  • running:跑步

  • sailing:帆船

  • softball:垒球

  • squash:壁

  • surfing:冲浪

  • swimming:游泳

  • table tennis (pingpong):乒乓球

  • taekwondo:跆拳道

  • tennis:网球

  • volleyball:排球

  • waterpolo:水球

  • weightlifting:举重

  • wrestling:摔跤
