

Three years ago, I accidentally realized that my handwriting looks sort of ugly; however, my best friend’s handwriting is real nice as an art. Then I have a passion for the beauty of handwriting, so I decided to practice calligraphy. But the result of half-year practice was unsatisfied than expected. I was very frustrated and want to give up. My friend found my sadness about that, she encouraged me and gave some advice like there was something wrong with my way to hold the pen. She corrected the holding position and encouraged me that I could do better while kept practicing. With her enthusiastic help, I stick at doing the calligraphy exercise and I have better handwriting than before. Actually, I find joy in it and the exercises become one of my habits and hobbies. Therefore the key to success consists in your persistence of the intention.



批改英语作文 - 习字

“accidentally realized" —— ”accidentally“ 用词不妥,想到自己的字不好,不是“意外”,最多是“突然”,“suddenly”。

“sort of ugly” —— “sort of” ,“有些”,是口语,书面也可以使用,正式一点儿的文字里改成“somehwat”。

“however” —— 用在这里有点儿勉强。你写字不好看,她写得好看,是两种情况,之间并没有直接的转折关系。改成“on the other hand”或者“in contrast”。

“real nice” —— 同上面的“sort of”一样,是口语,可以改成正式一点儿的“really nice”,也可以不改。书面文字里用口语,或是不知区别,或是刻意使用。整篇文章挺刻板,突然加入口语,不协调。

”as a art“ —— ”作为一种艺术“,但实际并不是一种艺术。”like art“,”像艺术“,”有艺术意味“。

“Then I have a passion” —— 时态不对,应是过去式,”passion“语义也太强烈了一点儿。如果你对于书法有那种激情,自己的字何至于那么丑。改成”I felt an urge to“。

”half year practice“ —— ”half a year‘s practice”

“result ... unsatisfied” —— 用词不当。人,“unsatisfied”;事,“unsatisfactory”。

“want to give up” —— 时态不对,应是过去式,另外语义上也不应是“want to give up”,其实你不“想”放弃,只是觉得不得不放弃。可以说“was going to give up”,“就要放弃了”。

“found my sadness about that” —— 表述生硬。字写得不好,也说不上“悲哀”,最多就是不开心。改成“Seeing that I wasn't happy”

“like there was” —— like后面接句子,这样写似乎有点儿别扭,改成“like how”。

“she corrected the holding position” —— ”执笔的方法“写成”holding position“是硬译。改成”how I hold my pen“。

”while kept practicing“ —— ”while“是”同时“,这里的意思应是”如果“。所以用”if“。

”better handwriting“ —— 把“handwriting”改成“penmanship”,换个说法。

“Actually” —— 这里用“actually”也可以,但“in fact”似乎更顺口。

“Therefore, the key to success” —— “Therefore”语义较轻,只是说一般结果,不足以引出一篇文章的结论,所以,“This experience of mine shows that ...”

“consists in the persistence of intention" —— 表述生硬,另外文中所说不只是”intention“(”意念“),而是强调练习。可以直接说”the key to success is determination and persistence.“


Three years ago, I suddenly realized that my handwriting looks somewhat ugly. My best friend’s handwriting, on the other hand, is really nice, looking like art. I felt an urge to improve my handwriting and decided to practice calligraphy. The result of half a year’s practice, however, was unsatisfactory. I was very frustrated and was going to give up. Seeing that I wasn’t happy with what was going on, my friend gave me some advice, like how I should hold my pen properly. She encouraged me, saying that I could do better if I kept practicing. With her enthusiastic help, I stuck to my calligraphic exercises and now I have better penmanship than ever before. In fact, I find joy in practicing calligraphy, which has become one of my habits and hobbies. This experience shows that the key to success is determination and persistence.





