1. A number of animals in Aesop's fables are portrayed as being crafty.,下面我们就来聊聊关于三级笔译综合考试题 英语二级笔译综合能力模拟试题33?接下来我们就一起去了解一下吧!

三级笔译综合考试题 英语二级笔译综合能力模拟试题33

三级笔译综合考试题 英语二级笔译综合能力模拟试题33

1. A number of animals in Aesop's fables are portrayed as being crafty.

A. vain

B. virtuous

C. artistic

D. cunning

2. General acceptance of 3-D films may prove hard to come by, as the experience of three decades ago indicated.

A. obtain

B. explain

C. understand

D. discern

3. Perhaps more than anything else, it was onerous taxes that led to the Peasants Revolt in England in 1381.

A. multiple

B. unjust

C. burdensome

D. infamous

4. Psychologists have errantly mounted an offensive against what they describe as nastiness toward students by educators.

A. arbitrariness

B. unpleasantness

C. severity

D. aloofness

5. Recent research into aging suggests that the body’s defense mechanisms may lose the ability to distinguish what is alien.

A. insane

B. infectious

C. foreign

D. poisonous

6. In ancient Egyptian paintings, royal figures were differentiated by making them several times larger than others.

A. distinguished

B. estranged

C. deferred

D. enlarged

7. Chimpanzees are frequently used as stand-ins for human beings in experiment.

A. partners

B. role-models

C. stand-bys

D. substitute

8. Differences in positions adopted by oxygen and hydrogen atoms account forvariations in the crystalline structure of different forms of ice.

A. are caused by

B. explain

C. derive from

D. constitute


1.【答案】D. 本题中,crafty的意思是“狡诈的,诡计多端的”。四个选项中,cunning的意思是“狡猾的,巧妙的”,如:as cunning as a fox(像狐狸一样狡猾)。vain的意思是“徒劳的,空虚的";virtuous的意思是“善良的,纯洁的”;artistic的意思是“艺术的,有美感的”。

2.【答案】A. 本题中,come by的意思是“来临,达到”。四个选项中,obtain的意思是“达到,得到” ,如:He obtained a knowledge of Latin(他学会了拉丁文)。explain的意思是“解释,说明”:understand的意思是“懂,了解”;discern的意思是“目睹,认识”。

3.【答案】C. 本题中,onerous的意思是“繁重的,费力的”。四个选项中,burdensome的意思是“繁重的,累人的",如:a burdensome task(一项艰巨的任务)。multiple的意思是“多样的”;unjust的意思是“不公正的”;infamous的意思是“声名狼藉的”。

4.【答案】B. 本题中,nastiness的意思是“污秽,不洁”。四个选项中,unpleasantness的意思是“杀风景的事,不愉快的事”;arbitrariness的意思是“霸道,恣意”;severity的意思是“严肃,严格”;aloofness的意思是“超然的态度”。

5.【答案】C. 本题中,alien的意思是“外来的,不同的”。四个选项中,foreign的意思是“外国的,异质的”如:a foreign object in the eye(眼睛中的异物)。insane的意思是“患精神病的,极度愚蠢的”;infectious的意思是“有传染性的,易感染的”。

6.【答案】A. 本题中,differentiate的意思是“区别,区分”。四个选项中,distinguish的意思是“区别,辨别”,如:Can you distinguish the different musical instruments playing now? (你能区分出正在演奏的各种不同的乐器吗?)estrange的意思是“疏远”;defer的意思是“推迟,延期”;enlarge的意思是“扩大,放大”。

7.【答案】D. 本题中,stand-ins的意思是“替代品”。四个选项中,substitute的意思是“替身,替代品",如:use plastics as a substitute for steel(用塑料做钢的代用品)。partner的意思是“合伙人,股东”;role-model的意思是“典型”;stand-by的意思是“后备人员”。

8.【答案】B. 本题中,account for的意思是“解释”。四个选项中,explain的意思是“解释”,如:The price tag says $100 and you charged me for $120;how do you explain the discrepancy?(货物标签上写的是一百美元,你向我索价一百二十美元,这个差异该怎么解释?)。are caused by的意思是“由……引起”;derive from的意思是“源自”;constitute的意思是“制订,组成”。
