




The Prefixes in-, im-, il- and ir- (前缀in-, im-, il-和ir-)

前缀in-“进入”“在......里面”的意思。"in-"也可以表示否定,有"不、无、非"等否定意义,因此由其构成的派生词一般具有否定的意义。例如:inhuman不人道的、injustice不公平的、inseparable不可分的、incorrect不正确的等。当前缀 "in-"放在首字母为"l"的单词前,它变形为"il-", 当“in-”放在首字母为"m", "p"的单词前,它变形为“im-"; 当"in-" 放在首字母为 "r"的单词前时,它变形为'ir-"

首先我们来看下面这组单词,大家知道它们的意思吗? 我们来试着用这些单词来填入下面的句子。

install, illogical, illustration, immature, inseparable, irresponsible, import

  1. Use an ________ to explain new words. This will make it easier for beginning students to understand.
  2. It was __________ of you to stay out late the night before final exams. What were you thinking?
  3. Marco may be 30 years old, but he's very _________. He behaves like he's 16!
  4. Young-ju works for a Canadian company that plans to ________ ginseng from Korea and China.
  5. Before you can use the computer, you need to ________ new software.
  6. I thought Cathy's explanation was completely _________. It didn't make any sense to me.
  7. Atsushi and his brother are __________. They go everywhere together.


  1. illustration: 插图,图解 用图片来解释生词。这种方法可以让初学者更容易理解单词意思。
  2. irresponsible: 不负责任的 期末考试的前一天你还在外面呆到那么晚真是太不负责任了。你在想什么呢?
  3. immature: 不成熟的 马尔科也许30岁了,但他非常地不成熟。他表现得像只有16岁一样。
  4. import: 进口 永俊为一家加拿大公司打工。这家公司计划从韩国和中国进口人参。
  5. install: 安装 在你可以使用电脑前,你需要安装新的软件。
  6. illogical: 不合逻辑的 我认为凯西的解释根本不合逻辑。一点也讲不通。
  7. inseparable: 不可分割的 佐藤笃志和他的兄弟二人是分不开的。他们到哪里都在一起。

接下来,我们来用in-, il-, im- 或者ir-来补全下面的单词使句子完整。

  1. There are still people in the United States who are functionally ___literate-- meaning they can hardly read or write.
  2. The doctors saved Emilio's life by removing his heart and ____planting an artificial one instead.
  3. Here's the list of _____gredients you'll need to make the soup: salt, water, chicken, flour, and onions.
  4. Sandra has an ______rational fear of spiders. She's much bigger than they are, after all.
  5. During December, the city center was _____luminated by hundreds of colored lights.
  6. The government is trying to _____rigate the desert by bringing in water from a river miles away.
  7. Cancer is still an _____curable disease.
  8. After waiting for Maria for 20 minutes, Albert began to get ____patient.


  1. illiterate: 文盲的,没受教育的 美国仍然有一部分人是功能性文盲,即他们几乎不会读书和写字。
  2. implant: 将......移植 医生们通过给埃米里奥移植了一颗人工心脏而救活了他。
  3. ingredients: 配料 这是你做汤所需要的配料清单: 盐,水,鸡肉,面粉和洋葱。
  4. irrational: 不合理的 桑德拉对蜘蛛有不合常理的恐惧。再怎样,她要比蜘蛛大很多啊。
  5. illuminated: 被照明的,被照亮的 在12月期间,城市中心被成百上千的彩灯照得灯火通明。
  6. irrigate: 灌溉 政府正试图将水从几英里之外的河流引入来灌溉这片沙漠。
  7. incurable: 不能治愈的 癌症仍然是无法治愈的疾病。
  8. impatient: 不耐烦的 在等了玛丽亚20分钟后,阿尔伯特开始不耐烦了。

