


[例]They have all sorts of course. (2006陕西高考·改错 )

[析] 英语中,名词有单数、复数或不可数的形式。本题中的course是可数名词,意指“课程”,故应用复数形式courses。


[例]Happy birthday, Peter, and many happy return of the day! (2000安徽春考·改错)

[析]Many happy returns of the day! 是一句固定的生日祝语,相当于汉语的“祝你年年有今日,岁岁有今朝!”returns 在此处便是约定俗成的用法。

除这一结构外,像shake hands with (= shakesb’s hand), make friends with和change seats / trains /buses等常用的结构,及thanks, cheers,congratulations, things(情况), affairs, feelings, asfollows(如下), in tears, in ruins, in pieces, inchains(被囚禁), in high spirits, in one’s teens /twenties, in the 1990’s(或in the 1990s), into halves, good manners, give one’s regards /best wishes to, make contributions to, make preparations for等,也都是常用或只用复数的名词式。


[例]I’m glad you have made such a great progress that... (2006江西高考·改错)

[析] 在英语中,有些名词, 如advice(建议), news, information, fun,weather, progress, homework, housework等,无论在什么情况下都是不可数的,所以这些词没有复数形式,也不可把其与不定冠词连用。可见,such a great progress 使用有误(须改为such great progress)。再例: She was doing her homeworks one Sunday morning when she smeltsomething burning. (2004高考福建卷·改错)由于homework为不可数名词,所以,作业再多,也无复数。


[例]When you finish reading the book, you will have ______ better understanding of______ life

A. a;the B. the; a C. 不填;the D. a; 不填

[析] 本题旨在考查考生对understanding和life这两个名词可数性的界定:understanding已为转义用法,life在此泛指“人生”,是不可数名词,故而便可正确选用冠词。



(1)抽象转具体: pleasure, surprise,help, success, failure, danger, difficulty, wonder等意为“...的人 / 物”。如: The meeting is a success.

(2)抽象转具体: worry, honor, disaster,rain, snow, fog, wind, gas, fire, crop, coffee, tea, food等,指“一种”、“一场”及“多种”、“多场”时,有其单、复数形式。如:There have been strong winds over the last two months.

(3)抽象转具体: a need, a discovery,a love, a good time, a collection of, a knowledge of, a history of, apopulation of, an area of, an understanding of等已形成固定形式。如: He has a good practicalknowledge of computer science

(4)具体转抽象: school, college, hospital, court, prison, bed, table, church等,都是可数名词,可以有具体的意义,如a school, threeschools。再例如:

When you come here foryour holiday next time, don't go to _____ hotel; I can find you _____ bed in myflat.

A. the;a B. the; 不填 C. a; the D. a; 不填

但是,在不用冠词、不用复数,而只突出与之有关的活动时,它们便失去了具体意义。如: go to school, attable等。 再例如:

When he left ______college, he got a job as ______ reporter in a newspaper office.

A. 不填; a B. 不填; the C. a; the D. the; the

(5)具体转抽象: day, night, morning,noon, evening, night等用指天色时,表达抽象概念(注意其前不用冠词)。如: Day may break now, for the birds are singing outside.


[例] Therehave been sports in America about people trying to steal person information forbad purposes.(2004全国高考III·改错)

[析] 形容词和名词都可作定语,但有时含义有别,有时则出现错误。三个月提高英语30分的实用技巧,如可说a golden medal(一块镀金奖牌/一块金色的奖牌),也可以说a gold medal (一块金牌); 但可说a chemistry teacher(化学老师),而不可说a chemical teacher(化学原料做的老师?),但可说a chemical works(一家化工厂)。据此可见,此题中的“个人信息”不应用person information表达。

另应注意,除man, woman常用“单单 (a woman doctor)”、“复复 (two women doctors)”式,及一些特殊词,如a goods ship, the sports shoes, a clothes shop等以外,用作修饰词的名词,一般都要用单数式。如: a lady doctor, two lady doctors等。


[例] Itis said that dogs will keep you _____ for as long as you want when you arefeeling lonely.

A. safety B.company C. house D. friend

[析] 无论是动宾结构还是介宾结构,有时名词虽然近义,但却不能主观臆断,而要选择固定的搭配式。本题的keep sb company就是一个典型的固定搭配式,意为“与……为伴”。


[例]You have been sitting on my hat and now it is badly out of ________. (2006广东高考)

A.date B. shape C. order D. balance

[析]out of date 意为“过期,不时髦”;out of shape意思是“不成形的”;out of order就是in disorder,意为“乱七八糟的”。搭配并无问题,而意义决定了B是正确答案。


[例]I’m sure David will be able to find the library—he has a pretty good ______ ofdirection.

A.idea B. feeling  C. experience D.sense

[析] 名词的同、近义词辨析,不仅仅较多地应用于书面表达,而且还可以较为灵活地设题于单项填空、完形填空或短文改错题中。本题的四个近义词选项中,sense的“意识”性更强,因而答案选D。


(1)cause, reason, excuse, explanation;  (2)family, home, house,room, space;

(3)sign, signal, mark, example, symbol; (4)award, reward, prize, money;

(5)value, price, cost, charge; (6)kind, sort, type, variety;

(7)range, reach, distance, length; (8)news, word, message, information,notice;

(9)energy, force, strength, power; (10)accident, incident, affair, event,business, matter;

(11)practice, training, exercise, drill;
