
· 摘要

o 目的

§ In order to cope with the issue of depletion of natural resources, expectations for economical designs of the closedloop supply chains of products that include remanufacturing in their lifecycle have recently significantly grown. However, since disassembly of a product to remanufacture it is costly due to high labor costs, the lifecycle option of remanufacturing an end of life product by disassembly and reassembly needs to be established environmentally as well as economically. In this study, we propose a remanufacturing option selection method that takes recovery rates and profits into account.为了处理自然资源的枯竭,产品闭环供应链(包括产品生命周期内再制造)经济设计期望近期显著提高,然而,由于高昂的劳动力成本导致拆卸的产品再制造成本很高,通过拆卸与组装的报废产品再制造生命周期方案需要建立在环保与经济的基础上。本研究,我们提出了将回收率与利润率在内的再制造方案选择理论。

o 方法

§ First, a bill of materials of a product is prepared to create data for remanufacturing. Next, its remanufacturing option selection is formulated by using the 0-1 integer programming. Lastly, the proposed remanufacturing option selection method is verified by analyzing the sensitivities of the recovery rates and selling prices of the remanufactured products using the ε constraint method. 首先,建立一份原材料清单为再制造建立数据。其次,通过利用0-1整数规划制定再制造方案的选择。最后,通过利用ε约束法对再制造产品的回收率和销售价格的敏感性进行了分析验证了提出的再制造方案选择理论。

o 结果

§ the proposed remanufacturing option selection method is verified建议的再制造方案选择理论被验证。

o 结论

§ The proposed method that takes remanufacturing into account has demonstrated a generating larger profits than a conventional method maintaining high recovery rates at the same levels in a case study.本研究中,所提出的考虑再制造的理论证实了要比传统的理论有更高的利润与更高的回收率。

· 引言

o 问题

§ Assembly products such as laptop PCs, smart phones, and television sets are massproduced and delivered to us through global supply chains. However, the consumption of natural resources to produce and distribute such mass-produced products resulted in resource depletion, posing a significant environmental issue.通过全球供应链批量生产与交付给我们的组装产品,如:笔记本电脑、智能手机、电视机。然而,通过消耗自然资源生产与配送这样的批量产品导致了资源枯竭,形成了重大的环境问题。

o 解决方案

§ In order to cope with such resource depletion, expectations for economical designs of the closed-loop supply chains with remanufacturing by disassembling and reassembling products in their lifecycle have significantly grown. Ishigaki et al. used manufacturing and remanufacturing processes in designing the closed-loop supply chains.为了处理这样的资源枯竭以及通过对生命周期内的产品进行拆卸与再组装的再制造的闭环供应链的经济设计期望有显著提高的问题,Ishigaki等人利用了闭环供应链设计的制造与再制造流程。

o 瓶颈

§ however, high labor costs make such remanufacturing process economically impracticable.然而, 高昂的劳动力成本使这样的再制造流程在经济上是不适用的。(这里的“再制造”指的是不包含文中所提到到考虑再利用、再组装、再回收的再制造)

o 预期目标

§ When reusing and recycling an EOL assembled product, their disassembled components and lifecycle options are accurately selected to ensure that the disassembly process should be environmental and economical.在重用和回收报废品组装产品时,准确地选择其拆卸部件和生命周期方案可以确保拆卸过程应是环保和经济的。

· 总结

o 分析方法

§ 1.流程图;

§ 2.图标;

§ 3.目标函数;

§ 4.思维导图;

§ 5.实例举证法

o 创新点

§ 相较于传统的再制造,增加了回收率与利润的两个因素。

o 科学价值

§ This study proposed and verified a remanufacturing option selection method that took recovery rates and profits into account.本研究提出了并论证了包含一个回收率与利润的再制造方案选择理论。

o 意义

§ Main findings of this paper are as follows.1. Relationship between recovery rate and profit;2.Changes in recovery rate;3.Remanufacturing and usage years;通过本论文有以下成果:1.回收率与利润的关系;2.回收率的变动;3.再制造以及使用年限。

· 建议与意见

o 本文考虑了再制造过程的回收率、成本、报废品拆卸组件再利用销售的收益、以及产生的利润。但未提及报废品的来源,可能该论文的研究背景为日本制造的原因。从我国国情出发,报废品的回收仍然会出现必要的回收成本,如何评估回收后产生的收益大于回收成本是一个还需论证的问题。

原文出自:KAZUKI YODA, HAYATE IRIE, YUKI KINOSHITA, et al. Remanufacturing Option Selection with Disassembly for Recovery Rate and Profit[J]. International journal of automation technology,2020,14(6):930-942.
