

"Story of the Sahara" is a series of stories set in the Sahara Desert. The book mainly describes what Sanmao and her husband Jose saw and heard when they lived in the Sahara Desert, and the stories of meeting friends with the locals. From the restaurant in the desert, to the doll bride, to the amateur fisherman...you can read the exotic and unique customs of the desert.(来源:Google翻译)


The biggest feature of Sanmao's book is that the language is very refined. She can grasp the characteristics of the subject and inject her own emotions, so that people can truly and concretely feel her emotions and have an immersive feeling. In the chapter "The Baby Bride", Sanmao uses the word "absurd" to describe his shock. It turns out that Saharawi women don't know their age. I don't even know anything as basic as my age, let alone knowledge.(来源:Google翻译)


Some people might say that the low status of women is a custom formed by the cultural and political background of the Sahara, and is influenced by local religions and social concepts. But in my opinion, this is a kind of discrimination and oppression on the pretext of customs, and it is backward and decadent.(来源:Google翻译)


I learned about the beauty and ugliness, good and evil, civilization and feudalism of the Sahara from "The Story of the Sahara". At the same time, I will also have a sense of fortunate that I live in a civilized society and I have not received contempt and injustice towards women. . Perhaps what you will see from it are interesting stories and the unique customs of the Sahara, but in fact, it should be more of the self-abuse and indifference of the Saharawis. "The Story of the Sahara" is a book worth reading. I can think, reflect, and be lucky. In fact, feudal history has always existed, and what is needed is someone trying to change all of this.(来源:Google翻译)

