ohmygod我已经爱上他,就像中了魔法叫什么歌? Ohmygod(1)





当你和朋友见面,第一句话是不是“Hey, my friend, how are you?”


…wait a minute,这话怎么听上去那么boring?


ohmygod我已经爱上他,就像中了魔法叫什么歌? Ohmygod(2)



1. besties

ohmygod我已经爱上他,就像中了魔法叫什么歌? Ohmygod(3)

(Kick-Ass 2: Balls to the Wall)

2. bosom friend

ohmygod我已经爱上他,就像中了魔法叫什么歌? Ohmygod(4)

(Les Misérables)

3. confidante

ohmygod我已经爱上他,就像中了魔法叫什么歌? Ohmygod(5)

(Game of Thrones)


1. comrade

ohmygod我已经爱上他,就像中了魔法叫什么歌? Ohmygod(6)

(Game of Thrones)

2. buddy

ohmygod我已经爱上他,就像中了魔法叫什么歌? Ohmygod(7)

(The Matrix)

3. dude

ohmygod我已经爱上他,就像中了魔法叫什么歌? Ohmygod(8)

(Kick-Ass 2: Balls to the Wall)

4. pal

ohmygod我已经爱上他,就像中了魔法叫什么歌? Ohmygod(9)

(Monsters, Inc)

5. bro

ohmygod我已经爱上他,就像中了魔法叫什么歌? Ohmygod(10)

(How I Met Your Mother)


1. close guy friend

ohmygod我已经爱上他,就像中了魔法叫什么歌? Ohmygod(11)

(How I Met Your Mother)

2. frenemies

ohmygod我已经爱上他,就像中了魔法叫什么歌? Ohmygod(12)

(The Carrie Diaries)



ohmygod我已经爱上他,就像中了魔法叫什么歌? Ohmygod(13)


Do you have many close friends?

Sample Answer

Of course. I have several besties who are very dear to me. Actually, we have been confidantes since we were in the primary school. Besides, I have a close guy friend. He often gives me advice about my life so I regard him as my best boy friend.

1. 对于一般疑问句问题,回答时必须首先明确表态

2. 用不同表达替换close friends,体现语言多样性

3. 正确使用连接词和短语,丰富语言表达

4. 适当使用从句(定语从句/状语从句),增加表达亮点

2. Describe your best friend.

You should say:

How did you get to know each other?

What kind of person he/she is?

What you usually do together?

Explain why you like him/her.

Sample Answer

1. I met my bro when I was a freshman. We shared the same dormitory. Our friendship started at the moment he smiled and came near to help me carry my luggage. I never left home that far before, but his existence really eased my anxiety. Thank god I met him!

2. He is quite humble and never shows off his knowledge. He is also very sociable so everybody loves him, but sometimes he can be a bit shy. When he got caught into that emotion, his eyes would start to get a little wet.

3. I guess the main reason why he and I became buddies is that we share the same interests. For example, we both love listening to pop music and spending many hours together enjoying our favorite songs. Another reason is that we both would like to go and study abroad in the near future. Thus, we often chat about what possible majors we would study, and what university we would like to attend.

4. Now you know why he is my pal in life.

1. 回答内容中必须涉及题目中要求的信息点

第一段-- How did you get to know each other?

第二段-- What kind of person he is?

第三段-- What you usually do together? / Explain why you like him.


2. 用不同表达替换best friend,体现语言多样性




3. 正确使用连接词,体现整体逻辑层次

4. 准确使用形容词和短语,丰富语言表达

5. 适当使用从句(状语从句/表语从句/宾语从句),增加表达亮点


ohmygod我已经爱上他,就像中了魔法叫什么歌? Ohmygod(14)

ohmygod我已经爱上他,就像中了魔法叫什么歌? Ohmygod(15)
