n.Sun Wukong 这是西游记英文版的正式翻译法,有时候也说the Monkey King猴王、美猴王Handsome Monkey King
Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie and the white dragon have saved their master at the risk of their lives and captured Sha Wujing.
The Tang Priest, Monkey, Pig and Friar Sand characters from the book are popular images among Chinese people.
Fiery Golden Eyes 火眼金睛
Gold Band 紧箍咒
Will-following Golden-banded Staff 如意金箍棒
Cloud Somersault 筋斗云
Monkey King 孙悟空
Tang Priest 唐僧
Monk Pig 猪八戒
Monk Sha 沙僧
Jade Emperor 玉帝
Bodhisattva Guan Yin 观音菩萨
Tathagata Buddha 如来佛祖
Na Cha the Great 哪吒
God Erlang 二郎神
Princess Iron Fan 铁扇公主
Bull Demon King 牛魔王
孙悟空,又称孙行者(Ascetic Sun),悟空(含义:awakened to emptiness),美猴王(Handsome Monkey King),是中国古典小说(Chinese Classical Novel)《西游记》(A Journey to the West或者Monkey)的主要人物之一。在花果山(Flower Fruit Mountain)石头孕育(born from a stone egg)而出,因为勇敢闯入水帘洞(Water Curtain Cave),被同族的猴子簇拥封为美猴王(Handsome Money King)。后来独自漂洋过海(cross the ocean),多年以来学会了像人一样说话和礼节(speak and act like humans)。
接着拜师学会了七十二变(72 methods of transformation)和筋斗云(create somersault clouds)本领。喜得神功而变得骄傲鲁莽的他去拿到了海龙宫的定海神针(The Pillar that Pacifies the Oceans)金箍棒(Ruyi Jinggu Bang or The Compliant Golden-Hooped Rod),又去地府(The Hell)捣乱。为了安抚已经非常强大的孙悟空,玉帝(Jade Emperor)把他封为弼马温(Protector of the Heavenly Horses)留在天宫(Heavenly Palace)。
后来发现职位低,一怒之下返回花果山自封为齐天大圣(proclaim himself as the "Great Sage, Equal of Heaven")。状况不断,后因醉酒闹天宫,搅乱王母娘娘的蟠桃盛会,偷吃蟠桃(Peaches of
状况不断,后因醉酒闹天宫,搅乱王母娘娘的蟠桃盛会,偷吃蟠桃(Peaches of Immortality)和太上老君(Loazi)的金丹(Pills of Longevity),又阴差阳错间在太上老君的八卦炉(Eight-trigram Crucible)中炼就火眼金睛(Golden-gaze Fiery-eyes)。大闹天宫,十万天兵(Warriors of Heaven)也打不过一个他,最后被如来佛祖(The Buddha)压在五行山(Five Elements Mountain)下五百年改过自新(redemption)。五百年后,被去西天取经的唐曾解救(rescue)。
孙悟空知恩图报,经观世音菩萨(Bodhisattva Guanyin, 也称Goddess of Mercy)点化,拜唐僧(Monk Xuanzang,唐,Tang Dynasty)为师,同往西天取经(Buddhist sutras)。取经路上,孙悟空降妖除怪(demons, evils, monsters),无数次地化险为夷。然而三番两次被师傅唐僧误解(misunderstood)甚至驱逐(expelled)。
最终,师徒四人到达目的地(destination),取得真经。孙悟空坚持正义(follow the righteousness),嫉恶如仇(abhor the evil),勇敢顽强(bravery and perseverance)。在中国民间文化(folkculture)中成为了机(wit)与勇敢(bravery)的化身(embodiment,或者直接说stand for wit and bravery)。这个角色无数次(numerous adaptations)地出现在戏曲(Chinese operas),翻拍电影(movies)和电视剧(TV series)中。