1.轰动效应:sensational effect

2.轰动一时:make a great stir;cause a great sensation

3.轰轰烈烈:vigorous; sensational

4.哄堂大笑:break into roars; make sb laugh

5.烘云托月:paint clouds to set off the moon; provide a foil to set off a character or incident in a literary work

6.红白喜事:wedding and funeral

7.红得发紫:extremely popular

8.红光满面:one’s face glowing with health; in the pink

9.红极一时:be well-known for a time; enjoy popularity for a time

10.红男绿女:young men and women in love

11.红色警戒:red alert

12.洪福齐天:limitless blessing

13.洪水猛兽:fierce floods and savage beasts-great scourges

14.鸿鹄之志:lofty ambition; high aspirations

15.鸿篇巨制:a monumental work

