新概念英语第一册lesson 11(新概念英语第一册)(1)

新概念英语第一册lesson 11(新概念英语第一册)(2)

新概念英语第一册lesson 11(新概念英语第一册)(3)

新概念英语第一册lesson 11(新概念英语第一册)(4)

新概念英语第一册lesson 11(新概念英语第一册)(5)

新概念英语第一册lesson 11(新概念英语第一册)(6)

新概念英语第一册lesson 11(新概念英语第一册)(7)

新概念英语第一册lesson 11(新概念英语第一册)(8)

新概念英语第一册lesson 11(新概念英语第一册)(9)

新概念英语第一册lesson 11(新概念英语第一册)(10)

新概念英语第一册lesson 11(新概念英语第一册)(11)

新概念英语第一册lesson 11(新概念英语第一册)(12)

新概念英语第一册lesson 11(新概念英语第一册)(13)

新概念英语第一册lesson 11(新概念英语第一册)(14)

New words and expressions 生词和短语

/ nju: wɜ:dz ænd Ik'spreʃənz /

trousers / 'traʊzəz / n. [复数] 长裤

•特殊疑问词 where


特殊疑问词 be 名词…

第26课 Where is it? 它在哪里?

第28课 Where are they? 它们在哪里?

Where 还适用于特殊疑问词 be 人称代词的结构。

例:where are you?你在哪里?


他们 靠近 那个 盒子。

they near that box.

They are near that box.

他们 在 那个 包 里面。

They in that handbag.

They are in that handbag.

Written exercises 书面练习

A Look at these words.



a book----some books; a man----some men; a housewife----some housewives

Rewrite these sentences using There are.

模仿例句改用There are的结构。


There is a book on the desk.

There are some books on the desk.

1 There is a pencil on the desk. 2 There is a knife near that tin.

3 There is a policeman in the kitchen.

4 There is a newspaper in the living room.

5 There is a keyboard operator in the office.

练习答案 Key to written exercises

Lesson 28 A

1 There are some pencils on the desk.

2 There are some knives near that tin.

3 There are some policemen in the kitchen.

4 There are some newspapers in the living room.

5 There are some keyboard operators in the office.
