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What is the science behind weighted blankets and how do they reduce anxiety?【译】“加重毯子”的科学依据是什么?它们确实能减缓焦虑吗?【单词】science ['sahy-uhns]['saɪəns] n. 科学;自然科学【单词】weighted 原型:weight [weyt][weɪt] vt. 使 ... 负重;使变重【单词】blankets 原型:blanket ['blang-kit]['blæŋkɪt] n. 毛毯;覆盖物【单词】reduce [ri-'doos, -'dyoos][rɪ'djuːs] v. 减少;缩小【单词】anxiety [ang-'zahy-i-tee][æŋ'zaɪəti] n. 焦虑;担心;渴望

Part of it has to do with our sensory system (hearing, seeing, smelling, and feeling) our bodies are constantly getting input from those senses.【译】这里面有一部分与我们的感知系统有关(听、看、闻和感觉),我们的身体不断地从这些感觉中获得输入。【短语】part of ... (某事物的)一部分;例句:He received part of his education in England. 他有一部分教育是在英国接受的。【单词】sensory ['sen-suh-ree]['sensəri] adj. 知觉的;感觉的;知觉器官的【单词】smelling 原型:smell [smel][smel] v. 嗅;闻;察觉【单词】constantly ['kon-stuhnt]['kɒnstəntli] adv. 不断地;经常地【单词】input ['in-poo t]['ɪnpʊt] n. 输入;输入信息

For each of our senses there are inputs that make them excited or calmed.【译】对于我们的每一个感官,都有使它们兴奋或平静的输入。【单词】excited [ik-'sahy-tid][ɪk'saɪtɪd] adj. 感到兴奋的;激动的【单词】calmed 原型:calm [kahm][kɑːm] v. (使)平静;(使)镇静

For our sense of feeling, deep pressure and compression are calming inputs while light touch can be exciting input.【译】对于我们的感觉来说,深压和紧压是让人平静的输入,而轻触则是令人兴奋的输入。【单词】compression [kuh m-'presh-uh n][kəm'preʃn] n. 压缩;浓缩;压紧【单词】touch [tuhch][tʌtʃ] n. 接触,触摸【单词】exciting [ik-'sahy-ting][ɪk'saɪtɪŋ] adj. 令人兴奋的;使人激动的

So a heavy blanket will give your body an input of deep pressure and compression making your brain feel calmer.【译】因此,一个沉重的毯子会给你身体一个深层压力和紧贴的输入,使你的大脑感到更平静。【单词】heavy ['hev-ee]['hevi] adj. 大(量)的;重的;沉重的;猛烈的【单词】brain [breyn][breɪn] n. 脑;大脑

【单词】calmer 原型:calm 形容词比较级 更平静

It's another reason humans hug to comfort each other, it provides pressure and compression making the person being hugged feel calmer.【译】这是人类拥抱来安慰对方的另一个原因,它提供了压力和贴紧,让被拥抱的人感觉更平静。【短语】each other 彼此,互相;例句:Twins look the same as each other. 双胞胎看上去长得一样。【单词】hug [huhg][hʌɡ] v. 拥抱;紧抱;抱有;挨着【单词】comfort ['kuhm-fert]['kʌmfət] vt. 安慰;使舒适

Pediatric OTs have been using weighted blankets for many many years before they suddenly became trendy.【译】儿科康复疗法其实在突然流行之前已经被应用了很多年了。【单词】trendy ['tren-dee]['trendi] adj. <口>流行的;赶时髦的【专有名词】Pediatric [ˌpiːdi'ætrɪk] adj. 儿科的【专有名词】OT 全称Occupational Therapy,即作业疗法,是应用有目的的、经过选择的作业活动,对由于身体上、精神上、发育上有功能障碍或残疾,以致不同程度地丧失生活自理和劳动能力的患者,进行评价、治疗和训练的过程,是一种康复治疗方法。目的是使患者最大限度地恢复或提高独立生活和劳动能力,以使其能作为家庭和社会的一员过着有意义的生活。

Weight (a blanket, a compression shirt, a hug, a dog sitting on your lap/chest, carrying heavy books) all give your body proprioceptive input.【译】重量(一条毯子,一件紧身衬衫,一个拥抱,一只狗坐在你的大腿/胸前,拿着沉重的书)都会给你的身体本体以感觉输入。【单词】shirt [shurt][ʃɜːt] n. 衬衫【单词】carrying 原型:carry ['kar-ee]['kæri] v. 携带;运送;搬运【单词】proprioceptive [proh-pree-uh-'sep-tiv][prəʊprɪəʊ'septɪv] adj. [生]本体感受的

Proprioceptive input basically tells your body where you are in space.【译】本体感觉输入的作用主要是,告诉你身体在空间中所处的位置。【单词】basically ['bey-sik-lee]['beɪsɪkli] adv. 基本上;主要地


When someone has a lot of proprioceptive input it can be calming to ones nervous system as your body "knows" where it is.【译】当人有大量的本体感觉输入时,其身体会“知道”它在哪里,它可以使你的神经系统平静下来。【单词】nervous ['nur-vuhs]['nɜːvəs] adj. 神经的,神经细胞的,神经性的

Weighted blankets help relieve anxiety by providing "input" for your body to recognize through your proprioceptive system.【译】加重毛毯有助于通过为人们的本体感觉系统提供可识别的“输入”来缓解焦虑。【单词】relieve [ri-'leev][rɪ'liːv] v. 救济;减轻;解除【单词】recognize ['rek-uhg-nahyz]['rekəɡnaɪz] vt. 承认;认出;意识到;识别

This system tells your brain where your body is in space.【译】这个系统告诉你的大脑你的身体在空间中的位置。

If you have the weighted blanket across ur legs for example, you have more signals (due to the pressure from the blanket) carrying that sensation to your brain.【译】举个例子,如果你的腿上有一条有重量的毯子,你会有更多的信号(由于毯子的压力)将这种感觉传递到你的大脑。【短语】for example 例如;例句:You can buy fruit here - oranges and bananas, for example. 你可以在这里买水果,例如买柑橘和香蕉。【短语】due to 多数表示“由于;因为”。如:This accident was due to his careless driving.同时,due 与to 单配,还可以表示“付给某人”,如:Respect is due to older people.【单词】ur 网络词汇,是yours的简写

【单词】signals 原型:signal ['sig-nl]['sɪɡnəl] n. 信号;标志【单词】sensation [sen-'sey-shuhn][sen'seɪʃn] n. 感觉;知觉

It's provides a calming sensation for those who need more of this system stimulated to feel comfortable.【译】它为那些需要更多刺激来感觉舒适的人提供了一种平静的感觉。【单词】stimulated 原型:stimulate ['stim-yuh-leyt]['stɪmjuleɪt] vt. 刺激;激励;鼓舞 vi. 起刺激作用【单词】comfortable ['kuhmf-tuh-buhl, 'kuhm-fer-tuh-buhl]['kʌmftəbl] adj. 舒适的;充裕的

They should be 8-10% of your body weight.【译】它们应该是你体重的8-10%。

I've seen it done wonders.【译】我看到过它创造奇迹。【单词】wonders 原型:wonder ['wuhn-der]['wʌndə] n. 惊奇;惊愕;奇迹

I even use one.【译】我甚至自己也用过一个。

Highly recommend.【译】强烈推荐。【单词】Highly 原型:highly 副词 ['hahy-lee]['haɪli] adv. 高度地;很;非常;赞许地【单词】recommend [rek-uh-'mend][ˌrekə'mend] vt. 推荐;建议;劝告

It's difficult to say for sure.【译】很难解释清楚。

There aren't many studies on weighted blankets, and the ones there are don't draw the kinds of conclusions you're looking for.【译】关于加重毛毯的研究并不多,也没有得出人们想要的那种结论。【单词】draw conclusion 得出结论

Most are just "Do the blankets help" rather than "Why do the blankets help".【译】大多数只是“毯子有帮助”而不是“为什么毯子有帮助”。【短语】rather than ... 而不是..., 宁可…也不愿...;例句:It is better to express your anger, rather than bottle it up. 生气宁可发泄出来而不要闷在肚内。

It is commonly recognized a weighted blanket can calm people down, but the only studies I've found relate to specific groups.【译】人们普遍认为,加重毯子能让人平静下来,但我发现的唯一研究仅是与特定群体有关。【单词】commonly ['kom-uhn-lee]['kɒmənli] adv. 一般地;通常地;普通地【单词】relate [ri-'leyt][rɪ'leɪt] v. 使有联系;有关联;涉及;符合

These include people with sensory issues or anxiety, as you've mentioned.【译】这些人包括有感觉问题或焦虑的人,正如你所提到的。【单词】mentioned 原型:mention ['men-shuhn]['menʃn] vt. 提到;说起

In terms of the mechanism, scientists are throwing some theories at the wall and seeing what sticks.【译】在机理方面,科学家们正在把一些已有的理论抛诸脑后,看看到底是什么吸引了他们。【短语】in terms of ... 依据...;按照...;在…方面;例句:In terms of money, he's quite rich, but not in terms of happiness. 就钱来说他很富有,但就幸福来说就不然了。【单词】mechanism ['mek-uh-niz-uhm]['mekənɪzəm] n. 机制;原理【单词】scientists 原型:scientist ['sahy-uh n-tist]['saɪəntɪst] n. 科学家【单词】throwing 原型:throw [throh][θrəʊ] v. 扔;投;掷;抛【单词】sticks 原型:stick [stik][stɪk] vi. 遵守;生效,起作用

Maybe the blanket reminds us of being a baby, tightly bundled and safe.【译】也许毛毯让我们想起了自己是个婴儿,裹得很紧,很安全。【单词】reminds 原型:remind [ri-'mahynd][rɪ'maɪnd] vt. 使想起;提醒【单词】tightly [tahyt]['taɪtli] adv. 紧紧地;坚固地【单词】bundled 原型:bundle ['buhn-dl]['bʌndl] v. 捆;把 ... 扎成一捆;匆忙地走【单词】safe [seyf][seɪf] adj. 安全的;安然无恙的;可靠的

Maybe the blanket restricts movement, forcing people who would otherwise toss and turn to calm down.【译】也许毯子限制了人们的行动,迫使那些本来会翻来覆去的人冷静下来。【单词】restricts 原型:restrict [ri-'strikt][rɪ'strɪkt] vt. 限制;约束【单词】otherwise ['uhth-er-wahyz]['ʌðəwaɪz] adv. 否则;不同地;在不同方面【单词】toss [taws, tos][tɒs] v. 投掷;摇荡;辗转

Maybe it's all in our heads, and we just relax because weighted blankets are "supposed" to relax us.【译】也许这一切都是我们的心理作用,我们只是放松,因为觉得加重毯子“应该会”让我们放松。【单词】relax [ri-'laks][rɪ'læks] v. 休息;放松;使 ... 放松【单词】supposed 原型:suppose [suh-'pohz][sə'pəʊz] vt. 假设;假定;认为;想;推测;应该;让(虚拟语气)

Maybe it's just cause it feels like a hug.【译】也许只是因为感觉像拥抱。


Until there are more studies, we can't know for sure.【译】直到有更多的研究,我们才能确定。
