Hi 大家好,欢迎来到MIA的英文课堂。


今天咱们就来学习一下 “为你加油、打气”用英文怎么说吧。


I'm rooting for you -- 我为你加油(打气、喝彩)


To root for someone is a phrasal verb meaning to wish them success in whatever they might be embarking on.

Wanna see some examples?


  1. The fans were out rooting for their team. 粉丝为他们队加油喝彩
  2. I'm rooting for you to get that promotion. 我会为你升职加油的哦。
  3. A: I have this important presentation tomorrow. I'm so nervous. 明天有个演讲(展示),特别紧张。B: you got this! I'm rooting for you! 你没问题的,我为你加油!

【Let's Talk】[白眼]

Are you a fan of any football team? Have you rooted for them? Leave a comment. I'd love to hear from you.

