
No Chinglish Allowed

话题~:Public chopsticks?

“Public chopsticks??” , is it translated to Chinese like "公筷??"

Nope! Reading the following infos you may find out.

我们知道“public"是公共的意思,可以说 ”public toilet"、 " public occation" ,但是不能说 “public chopsticks".


So, for the native English speaker, they usually would say "serving chopsticks".

For instance: It's very common for Chinese people to pick up food with serving chopsticks for their guests to show their hopitality.


相比于 “公筷”,我们还有 “一次性筷子”,英语怎么表达呢?

Disposable Chopsticks or Throwaway Chopsticks.


tips: Get rid of Chinglish, learning more authetic English, just right here. You can do it !!!
