介词:关于如何使用in, on和at的简单指南

学习在另一种语言中什么时候使用各种介词会让人头疼。 我们已经习惯了在母语中使用介词的方式,以至于以任何其他方式使用介词都显得不合逻辑或荒谬。

幸运的是,在英语中,我们可以识别出许多使用介词in、on和at的具体情况,以便判断何时使用它们合适。 这些指导方针帮助我们每次都正确地使用介词!


如何使用in, on和at

in、at和on这两种最常见的语境都涉及到确定某人或某事在哪里(地点)和某事发生的时间(时间)。 下面的例句解释了这些介词在各种时间和地点的使用情况。

In, on和at作为地点介词


I’m working at the bakery.

The shop is at 455 Main Street.

Someone is at the door.

Is she at a concert tonight?

Read the title at the top of the page.


The painting is on the wall.

Her ring is on her middle finger.

Do you like anything on the menu?

I live on Grove Street.

The restaurant is on the river.


She has a penny in her pocket.

I left my wallet in the car.

The children are in the garden.

They live in New York City.

I’m staying in France this summer.

注意:当提到建筑物或其他封闭区域时,“at”和“in”两个介词都可以使用,这取决于上下文。 如果你想描述某人/某事的大致位置,你应该用“at”。 例如,“Mary is at the school.” 然而,如果你需要强调某人/某事在建筑物或区域内,你可以用“in”。 例如,“Mary is in the school.”

In, on和at作为时间介词


We’ll meet you at 6 o’clock.

The show starts at 4:45.

I hate driving at night.


The party is on May 5th.

They work out on Mondays.

I relax on the weekend.

He left on Christmas day.

We met on Easter.

I cried on my birthday.


I saw him in August.

We ski a lot in the winter.

You graduated in 2005.

She grew up in the 90s.

It was cold in the Ice Age.

He was angrier in the past.

I’ll meet with you in an hour.

It was dark in the morning.

I eat dinner in the evening.
