
the origin station 起点站

the terminal station 终点站

the first run 首班车

the final run 末班车

get on the train 上车

get off the train 下车

entry 进站口

exit 出站口

emergency exit 紧急出口

stops 站点

automatic ticket-selling machine 自动售票机

recharge sites 充值点

metro ticket 地铁票

security check 安检

prohibited goods 违禁物品

escalator 扶梯

elevator 电梯

metro carriage 地铁车厢

handrail 扶手

platform 站台

privileged seats 老弱病残专座

screen door 屏蔽门

passenger surge 客流高峰

queue up 排队

transfer 换乘

circle line 环线

safety-valve door 安全阀门

the yellow warning line 黄色警戒线

Do not stop the closing door 禁止扒门

Be a civilized passenger,please.文明乘车

Do not lean on doors 请勿紧靠车门

Please mind the gap 小心站台与列车之间的空隙

Do not linger on the gangway 请勿在车厢间通道逗留

Please stand firm and hold the handrail 请站稳扶好

Please let passengers exit first 请先下后上

In case of emergency,push button to communicate with the control center.紧急时,按此键纽与行控中心人员联络

Please offer your seat to anyone in need 请将座位礼让给需要的人

Please move into the center of the car so that other passengers can move in or out of the car easily 请往车厢内部移动以便其他乘客上下车

The train bound for Qin Shuipu station is leaving,please keep away from the screen door.开往清水浦的列车即将进站,请远离屏蔽门。


