地球是我们赖以生存的家园, 人类在这个地球上快乐地生活了一代又一代。它为 我们提供了丰富的生活资源。例如:我们每天不可缺少的淡水、优美的自然环境 和清新的空气,而且她还生活着我们人类共同的朋友——动物和植物。
The earth is our home living, human on earth in this happy life from one generation to another. It provides us with abundant resources of life. For example: our everyday indispensable fresh water, beautiful environment and fresh air, and she also lives with our common human friends -- animal and plant. 可是,随着科学技术的不断发展,人们在享受自然的同时,却又无情地在不断破 坏着这个给我们提供赖以生存的条件的自然环境。南极的黑洞、河流的污染以及 电视上频频报道的洪涝灾害和某种生物的濒临绝种等等这一切都是我们破坏和 谐自然所付出的沉重代价。 However, with the development of science and technology, people in the enjoyment of nature at the same time, but ruthlessly in breaking this gives us the conditions for the survival of the natural environment. The black hole, the pollution of the river and on TV has been flooding and some biological endangered and so on which we are all destroyed natural harmony paid heavy price. 近年来,全球气候变暖,最高气温达到了 40 摄氏度左右。由于水资源的日渐匮 乏,不仅对农业生产造成了极大的危害,而且还威胁着人们的生活用水。这些环 境的变化,让我们原本和谐的自然环境,早已变得千疮百孔。 In recent years, the global climate warming, the maximum temperature reached 40 degrees celsius. Due to the growing scarcity of water resources, not only on the agricultural production caused great harm, but also a threat to people living water. These changes in the environment, let us was originally a harmonious natural environment, have already become in a disastrous state. 迄今为止,人类仍然没能停止对地球环境无情的破坏。任意的捕杀各种动物,肆 意的破坏森林资源, 让我们这一代人有时候只能借助于文献资料去认识某种已经 绝迹了的生物。 So far, people still can't stop the relentless destruction of earth environment. Any of various animal killing, wanton destruction of forest resources, let us this generation person sometimes resorted to literature to understand some extinct creatures.
现在甚至连我们的母亲河“黄河”也无可避免的遭受到人类的严重破坏。黄河经常 爆发的洪水,让农民伯伯的房屋和田地都被冲跨。是谁做的呢?是人类,一切都 是因为他们乱砍乱伐的行为造成的恶果。如果大家都懂得尊重环境、爱护环境, 那么就不会有今天这样的生存局面。 Even our mother river " the Yellow River " are inevitably subjected to human serious damage. The Yellow River often flooding, let farmer houses and fields were red cross. Who did it? It is human, all because they deforestation behavior result. If everyone know how to respect the environment, protect the environment, then there will be no today's survival situation. 今天人们所谓的珍惜动物, 大多都是受到了人类的残杀和自然环境的破坏,日益 稀少后才被人类重视起来的。 吃野生动物的现象在这个社会上越来越普遍。你可 曾想过?有一天, 你以前嘴里所吃小动物的就是今后被人们认为的国宝!你可曾 想过?如果我们在吃一种弱小的野生动物的同时, 再去拯救另外一种将要绝迹的 野生动物,那样就可以做到真正的生态平衡吗?