




The Art You Like Reveals Your Personality Traits





1. The artwork we are attracted to can give insight into our personality, such as whether we are impulsive or deliberate, even-tempered or moody. Studies into art preferences date back to the 1930s — most of them examining the extent to which people like or dislike different paintings. Research shows that a person’s interest in art is more strongly correlated to certain personality traits than to social class, age, or gender.


2. In particular, a personality trait called “openness” is the best predictor of whether individuals are interested in art. On the flip side, those who identify as“conscientious” are often less drawn to the arts. These traits are part of the Big Five, a widely accepted personality theory based on nearly a century of research.


3. The model asserts that each personality is comprised of a combination of five core traits: openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness and neuroticism. Rather than lumping a person into binary categories like introvert or extrovert, the Big Five Model asserts that each trait is a spectrum, and everyone lies somewhere between the two extremes.


4. These preferences might be partly due to the way people visually scan art. A 2018 study tracked participants’ eye movements as they studied abstract artwork. The majority of participants concentrated on the upper-right quadrant. This makes sense, as the right hemisphere of the brain is specialized for visuospatial processing and also plays a significant role in processing the emotions that art elicits. However, participants who tended toward neuroticism focused on the left side of the picture.


5. Even with the impressive amount of research into why people like certain art, there are still holes in the theories. For instance, some scientists claim that the Big Five model doesn’t translate across cultures and is mainly targeted toward those living in developed nations. Also, most studies have focused on two-dimensional art, like paintings, and haven’t yet captured differing preferences for the dazzling variety of media that exist around the world. Then there’s the fact that our art preferences change over time and are informed by our demographics, relationships and life experiences.



6. People’s preferences for art are nearly as ambiguous as art itself. But if you’re looking for a quick litmus test of someone’s general personality traits, it doesn’t hurt to peek at what’s hanging on their walls. —BRIANNA RANDALL


