

The use of plastics for mass production traces its roots to the 1860s and John Wesley Hyatt, a printer from Albany, New York. Hyatt was responding to the offer of a $10,000 reward to anyone who could come up with an alternative way of making billiard balls—which were, in those days, carved out of ivory, a commodity becoming in short supply. His solution was to form them by pumping a molten synthetic plastic called celluloid into a mould.



Although Hyatt appears never to have received the prize, the process he invented, injection moulding, became the way in which most plastic items are made. At least they were until the emergence in the early 1980s of additive manufacturing, popularly known as 3D printing. Machines that can print things in plastic have become ever more capable, turning out objects ranging from toys to medical implants, and components for cars, drones and aircraft.

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One other advance is now within the making. bcn3d Applied sciences, a Spanish producer of threed printers, has developed a brand new type of plastic printing which it calls viscous lithography manufacturing (vlm). From an preliminary 500 corporations stated to be eager to attempt the concept out, bcn3d has whittled the quantity down to twenty giant producers from industries resembling carmaking, electronics and engineering.

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3d printers could make plastic objects in a number of methods. One extensively used approach includes an extrusion head tracing strains of molten polymer onto a so-called construct plate. As soon as the primary layer is finished, the plate strikes down a tad, a second layer is added on high of the primary, and so forth. More moderen machines challenge a sample of ultraviolet (uv) gentle right into a vat of photosensitive liquid resin to treatment and solidify the layers required to create an object. A construct plate then steadily pulls the item out of the vat.

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One good thing about printing in resins is that they produce finely detailed, high-quality plastic components. A downside is that they are often brittle. It’s potential to combine extra supplies into resins, to enhance energy, for example, or so as to add flexibility. However, a bit like including extra substances to a cake, this thickens the combination, which might make the resin tough to print.

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本文节选自:The Eco(经济雪人)



原文标题:A gooey option to 3D print plastics



/ˈbɪljəd/n. 台球


/ˈvɪskəs/ adj.粘性的;黏的





5. resin

/ˈrɛzɪn/n. (天然)树脂; 合成树脂,人造树脂v. 用树脂涂(或处理)


1.strike down 杀死;击倒


One other advance is now within the making.

结构: One other advance is now within the making.另一个进展在…方面

例句: One other advance is now within the innovating.
