




Uganda, with the full name of the Republic of Uganda, is a landlocked country in East Africa, straddling the equator. It is known as "plateau water town". It was also called "Pearl of Africa" by former British Prime Minister Churchill.The total area is 241,500 square kilometers. Population: 44.3 million (2018). Capital: Kampala, known as the "Pearl of the Pearl" in Africa. The title of "Banana City". President:Yoweri Kaguta Museveni.

Uganda was originally called Buganda by coastal residents in East Africa. In 1000 AD, the kingdom was established in Buganda area in southern Uganda. In the mid-19th century, Buganda Kingdom became the most powerful country in East Africa. In 1890, Britain and Germany signed an agreement to divide East Africa, and Buganda was divided into British spheres of influence. In June 1894, Britain declared Buganda as its "protectorate". In 1896, Britain extended the scope of "protecting country" to the whole of Uganda, and in 1907, it set up a governor in Uganda. In 1921, the Uganda National Congress Party was founded. On October 9, 1962, Uganda declared independence, retained four autonomous kingdoms, including Buganda, and established the Union of Uganda, which remained in the Commonwealth. In October 1963,Uganda amended its constitution and abolished the British Governor stationed in Uganda. In September 1967, the feudal kingdom and federalism were abolished and the Republic of Uganda was established.

Diplomacy: pursuing an independent and non-aligned foreign policy and advocating developing friendly relations with all countries on the basis of equality and reciprocity. Emphasize that diplomacy serves economic construction. It is a member of regional and sub-regional organizations such as the Commonwealth, the Non-Aligned Movement, the African Union, the East African Community, the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa and the Intergovernmental Development Organization. Establish diplomatic relations with 135 countries. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Uganda on October 18, 1962, bilateral relations have developed smoothly.

Economic: Uganda is one of the least developed countries in the world, with weak economic foundation and single structure. Agriculture and animal husbandry play a leading role in the national economy, and the proven mineral resources include copper, tin, tungsten, beryl, iron, gold, asbestos, limestone and phosphate, etc. Rich in aquatic resources, Lake Victoria is one of the largest freshwater fish producing areas in the world. Since 1991, the government has adopted social and economic reforms, such as actively carrying out structural adjustment, giving priority to developing agriculture, rectifying state-owned enterprises, fostering the private economy, and promoting free trade. The economy grew at an average annual rate of 7%, ranking first among sub-Saharan African countries, and was listed as a model of structural adjustment plan by the World Bank. International financial institutions and donor countries have continued to allocate funds to Uganda , and pledged to substantially reduce and relieve Uganda's debts, so as to keep the macroeconomic situation in Uganda stable. British education system: 7 years in primary school, 4 years in junior high school and 2 years in senior high school. Since 2006, all secondary education has been free, and Uganda has become the first country in Africa to popularize all free secondary education.

Uganda shilling is issued by Uganda Bank (Central Bank), which is the currency in circulation at present. Originally, the East African shilling issued by the East African Monetary Authority was used. On August 15, 1966, the Ugandan shilling was first issued, replacing the East African shilling with a ratio of 1:1. The name of secondary currency is centi. 1 Ugandan shilling =100 cents. The front main picture of this Ugandan 5 shilling coin is an emblem backed by two crossed spears, with Uganda's Elf Crown Crane on the right side and local unique ram on the left side. The quiet and beautiful Victoria Lake in the upper part of the shield is swayed by microwaves; The middle part implies that the equatorial line crosses Uganda's land and the midday sun shines directly on Uganda's land; The royal drum with yellow pattern on the bottom side symbolizes Uganda's traditional culture and the ancient kingdom of Uganda; The following are green hills with rich specialties, showing that agricultural production is full of vitality and vitality; Coffee trees and cotton on the hills are the main agricultural products in Lake Victoria. The river in the middle of the hill is continuously flowing into Lake Victoria. On the yellow ribbon below, the oath of Ugandan people is written in English: "For God and my motherland". The main picture on the back shows the issue year and denomination.


