看问题的角度的确很重要,当你看到别人没有脚的时候你就不会抱怨自己没有鞋了。不得不说这是很好的心灵鸡汤,提醒我们要知道知足常乐。不过换一个角度,看到别人穿着几千块钱的好鞋,是不是也可以激励你去努力工作呢?Perspective matters.对吧?



Perspective simply reminds us to go to 50,000 feet on a bad day and count our blessings.Perspective simply reminds us that things could be a lot worse. Perspective on a bad day is simply understanding that we live in a world where half the world’s population lives on less than 2 dollars and 50 cents a day. Perspective on a bad day is reminding yourself of that Persian proverb which says “I curse the fact that I had no shoes until I saw the man who had no feet.” Perspective is such a powerful word.


1. perspective这个词首先需要注意把小嘴[e]把握好,不能发成[æ],当然也不能发成[ai]或者[ei],另外就是p放在s的后面需要浊化,而c遇到t的时候c是可以失去爆破的,最后不要忘了tive的词尾是唇齿音v而不是w;

2. reminds的re在美音中可适当放松偏向一点[e]的音,而不必发成[i]但仍然不能过于放松,否则就会成了很轻的[ei]了,除此之外,双元音[ai]的饱满也常被人忽视;

3. reminds和us的连读;

4. 两个to都是可以轻读成te的音的;

5. 50,000里面的thousands是带有双元音的,张嘴时不要过于拘谨;

6. feet on的连读是浊化连读,而on a也是可以继续连下去的;

7. bad day只需要读一个d就可以;

8. and的读法,拖长an,吞掉d;

9. count our又是浊化连读,还需要再次强调our的读音;

10. blessings还是小嘴e。
