手机 [shǒu jī][释义] cellphone; handset; mobile phone; [电影] Handphone;[网络] cellular phone; Mobile; mobile telephone;[例句]甚至还有一款移动应用可以通过手机摄像头来捕捉物体的3D图像,以便进行3D打印There 's even an app that uses a cellphone camera to capture 3-D images of objects so they can be 3-D printed. ,下面我们就来说一说关于手机的英文怎么拼?我们一起去了解并探讨一下这个问题吧!



手机 [shǒu jī][释义] cellphone; handset; mobile phone; [电影] Handphone;[网络] cellular phone; Mobile; mobile telephone;[例句]甚至还有一款移动应用可以通过手机摄像头来捕捉物体的3D图像,以便进行3D打印。There 's even an app that uses a cellphone camera to capture 3-D images of objects so they can be 3-D printed.