

Come in Please, Mr.Zhao .It's good to see you. 请进,赵先生。很高兴见到你。

I'm sorry to be late. 对不起,我迟到了。

Oh, it's no problem.I'm glad you've come. 没关系,你来了我很高兴。

I could not find your house . and I went to a wrong address. 开始我没有找到你的家,我找错了地方。 It's very kind of you to have invited me.Here is something for you and Mrs.Taylor. 很高兴你邀请了我。我给你及夫人准备了点东西。

How nice of you! What's in the box? It smells delicious. 你真好!盒子里装的是什么?闻起来真香。

Oh, some Chinese food! It looks really inviting. 噢,是一盒中国菜!看起来真诱人。

It's Oiled Chicken with Bamboo Shoots,and it's Sichuan specialty. 这是油淋子鸡,是四川名菜。

Thank you very much .Did you cook it yourself? 非常谢谢你,你自己做的吗?

Yes, here is a gift for Mrs.Taylor. 是的。这是给泰勒夫人准备的一份礼物。

Let me open it What a lovely shell! 我来打开它。多么漂亮的一只贝壳!

We know that Mrs.Taylor is interested in Chinese arts and crafts. so my wife carved the shell herself. 我们知道泰勒夫人对中国工艺品很感兴趣,所以我妻子就亲自雕刻了这只贝壳。

Really? You wife is a great artist.It's so nice .I'm sure my wife will appreciate it very much. 真的吗?你妻子可是个了不起的艺术家。它真漂亮。肯定我妻子会非常喜欢它。

I'm glad you like it. 你们喜欢它,我非常高兴。

Sit down, please, Make yourself at home. 请坐,随便点

Your room is nice and it's tastefully decorated. 你的家真漂亮,装饰得真雅致。

Thanks.It's so hot .Would you like something to drink? 谢谢。天气真热,要喝点什么吗?

Some Pepsi Cola, Please. 请来点百事可乐。

Ok,Here you are.And we'll have dinner in a few minutes. 行。给你。我们马上就开饭。

Thanks. 谢谢


