








安居乐业 Live in Peace and Work in Contentment

安土重迁 Attached to the Land and Unwilling to Move


边塞诗 Frontier Poetry

不学《诗》,无以言 You Won’t Be Able toTalk Properly with Others Without Studying The Book of Songs.

博爱 Extensive Love to Benefit All



仓廪实而知礼节 When the Granaries Are Full, the People Follow Appropriate Rules of Conduct.

楚辞 Chuci ( Ode of Chu)

春秋 The Spring and Autumn Annals / The Spring and Autumn Period


大巧若拙 Exquisite Skill Looks Simple and Clumsy.

大同 Universal Harmony

淡泊 Quiet Living with No Worldly Desire

淡泊明志,宁静致远 Indifference to Fame and Fortune Characterizes a High Aim in Life, and Leading a Quiet Life Helps One Lasting. Accomplish Something

典雅 Classical Elegance

丹青 Painting in Colors

多行不义必自毙 He Who Repeatedly Commits Wrongdoing Will Come to No Good End.

得道多助,失道寡助 A Just Cause Enjoys Abundant Support While an Unjust Cause Finds Little Support.



芙蓉出水 Lotus Rising Out of Water

封建 Feudal System


格物致知 Study Things to Acquire Knowledge

过犹不及 Going Too Far Isas Bad as Falling Short.

革故鼎新 Do Away with the Old and Set Up the New.

公生明,廉生威 Fairness Fosters Discernment and Integrity Creates Authority.


画龙点睛 Adding Pupils to the Eyes of a Painted Dragon / Rendering the Final TouchW

会心 Heart-to-heart Communication

和而不同 Harmony But Not Uniformity

浩然之气 Noble Spirit

怀远以德 Embrace Distant Peoples by Means of Virtue

化干戈为玉帛 Beat Swords into Plowshares / Turn War into Peace

厚德载物 Have Ample Virtue and Carry All Things



建安风骨 The Jian’an LiteraryStyle

君子 Junzi (Man ofVirtue)

兼爱 Universal Love

见利思义 Think of Righteousness in the Face of Gain

精气 Vital Energy

九州 Nine Zhou (Regions)

居安思危 Be on Alert Against Potential Danger When Living in Peace

经世致用 Study of Ancient Classics Should Meet Present Needs.

见贤思齐 When Seeing a Person of High Caliber, Strive to Be His Equal.

己所不欲,勿施于人 Do Not Do to Others What You Do Not Want Others to Do to You.


空灵 Ethereal Effect

克己复礼 RestrainYourself and Follow Social Norms

科举 The Imperial Civil Examination System


礼尚往来 Reciprocity as a Social Norm


否极泰来 When Worse Comes to the Worst, Things Will Turn for the Better.


清词丽句 Refreshing Wordsand Exquisite Expressions

齐物 Seeing Things as Equal

情景 Sentiment and Scenery

前事不忘,后事之师 Past Experience, If Not Forgotten, Is a Guide for the Future.



山水诗 Landscape Poetry

神韵 Elegant Subtlety

诗中有画,画中有诗 Painting in Poetry, Poetry in Painting

四书 Four Books

三思而行 Think Thrice Before Acting

殊途同归 Arrive at the Same Destination via Different Routes / Rely on a Common Ontological Entity

声一无听,物一无文 A Single Note Does Not Compose a Melodious Tune, Nor Does a Single Color Make aBeautiful Pattern.

实事求是 Seek Truth from Facts

诗言志 Poetry Expresses Aspirations.

诗缘情 Poetry Springs from Emotions.

四海之内皆兄弟 All the People Within the Four Seas Are Brothers.

恃德者昌,恃力者亡 Those Who Rely on Virtue Will Thrive; Those Who Rely on Force WillPerish.



田园诗 Idyllic Poetry

天人合一 Heaven and Man Are United as One.

天命 Mandate of Heaven

天理 Natural Law

天经地义 Natural Rulesand Orderliness

天下兴亡,匹夫有责 The Rise and Fall of All Under Heaven Is the Responsibility of Every Individual.

天下为公 The World Belongs to All.

天时地利人和 Opportune Time, Geographic Advantage, and Unity of the People


婉约派 豪放派 Wanyue School /Graceful and Restrained School HaofangSchool / Bold and Unconstrained School

文以载道 Literature Is the Vehicle of Ideas.

温柔敦厚 Mild, Gentle,Sincere, and Broadminded

无为 Non-action

五经 Five Classics

为政以德 Governance Based on Virtue.

温故知新 Review the Old and Learn the New.

无欲则刚 People with No Covetous Desires Stand Upright.

无为而治 Rule Through Non-action



象外之象,景外之景 The Image Beyond an Image, the Scene Beyond a Scene

形而上/形而下 What Is Above Form / The Metaphysical What Is Under Form / The Physical

虚壹而静 Open-mindedness, Concentration, and Tranquility

性善/恶 Human Nature Is Good/Evil

行己有耻 Conduct Oneself with a Sense of Shame


信言不美,美言不信 Trustworthy Words May Not Be Fine-sounding; Fine-sounding Words May Not Be Trustworthy.

雅俗 Highbrow andLowbrow

有德者必有言 Virtuous People Are Sure to Produce Fine Writing.

隐逸诗 Recluse Poetry

咏史诗 Poetry on History

言不尽意 Words Cannot Fully Express Thought.

以直报怨 Repaying a Grudge with Rectitude

约定俗成 EstablishedThrough Popular Usage / Accepted Through Common Practice

移风易俗 Change Social Practices and Customs

意境 Aesthetic Conception

有容乃大 A Broad Mind Achieves Greatness.


知音 Resonance and Empathy

知行 Knowledge and Application

知行合一 Unity of Knowledge and Action

中和 Balanced Harmony

宗法 Feudal Clan System

自强不息 Striving Continuously to Strengthen Oneself

治大国若烹小鲜 Governing a Big Country Is Like Cooking Small Fish.

