拇指英语说, 分享英语学习心得,技巧和方法让英语学习变得更有趣更简单,下面我们就来说一说关于珍惜当下放眼未来英语作文?我们一起去了解并探讨一下这个问题吧!



拇指英语说, 分享英语学习心得,技巧和方法。让英语学习变得更有趣更简单




[难度系数】 **

【Sharing seconds】分享时刻


[Reading ]

He was 50 years old when I was born. I didn’t know why he was home instead of mom, but I was the only one of my friends who had their dad around.Dad did so many things for me during my school years. He would always make lunch for me to take to school. There would be a napkin (餐巾纸) with “I love you” written on it. He always had some silly saying to make me smile and let me know that he loved me. My friends all wished they had someone who showed them that kind of love. I was so proud to have him as my father. When I left home for college, I thought the messages would stop. But my friends and I were glad that his messages continued. I called him a lot and we started a ritual (仪式) that stayed with us. After I said good-bye he always said, “Angie?” “Yes, dad?” “I love you.” “I love you, too, dad.” My friends used to call him “Coolest Dad in the Universe (宇宙).” And when they learned that he had cancer (癌症), they sent him a card that they all signed. He taught all of us about a father’s love. I wouldn’t be surprised if my friends started sending napkins to their children. He inspired them to express their own love. As he was growing sicker, I decided to come home. Those were the hardest days to go through. I was alone with him in the hospital a few days before he died. We held hands and watched TV. As I was getting ready to leave, he said, “Angie?” “Yes, dad?” “I love you.” “I love you, too, dad.”

【Treasure Box】

  1. proud adj. 骄傲的
  2. continue v. 继续
  3. sign v. 签名
  4. inspire v. 激励
  5. express v. 表达

Difficult sentences:

I didn’t know why he was home instead of mom, but I was the only one of my friends who had their dad around.

释义:我不知道为什么是他而不是妈妈在家,但我是我朋友中唯一有爸爸经常在身边的人。点拨:instead of 是一个介词短语,意为“而不是;代替”。the only one ... who ... 指“唯一一个……的人”。例句: If I eat one piece of cake instead of two pieces of pie, I can save 800 calories.

I called him a lot and we started a ritual (仪式) that stayed with us.

释义:我会经常给他打电话,我们之间形成了一种仪式,始终伴随着我们。点拨:call sb 给某人打电话;call sb names 辱骂。call 可作不及物动词,call on sb 拜访某人;call at somewhere 登门拜访。例句: He called you last night while you were out.

Comprehension test

Choose the answer:

1. During her school years, the writer thought _____.A. her dad couldn’t take the place of her mom B. her dad did a lot of childish thingsC. she had a very loving fatherD. her dad felt very proud of her

2. What happened when the writer went to college?A. Her dad didn’t receive any messages from her.B. Her dad didn’t love her anymore.C. She and her father started a new tradition.D. She thought her dad was even cooler.

3. How did the writer feel in the underlined sentence?A. Proud. B. Surprised.C. Inspired. D. Lonely.

4. Which of the following made the writer’s father special?A. Her father kept sending cards to her. B. Her father expressed his love directly.C. Her father took care of her all by himself.D. Her father loved every child as his own.

Vocabulary in use

Fill in the blanks: 5. He was ________________________ (我们班上唯一一个) worked out the last math problem.6. Sheila __________ (继续) to work after she had her baby.7. He felt unable to __________ (表达) his feelings in a letter.8. Peter had lost his job and the family was __________ __________ (经历磨难) a very difficult time.


1-4 CCAB 5. the only one in our class who6. continued 7. express 8. going through

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