


The movie impressed me deeply.


His sincerity impressed her. 他的真诚打动了她。

He impressed her with his sincerity. 他的真诚打动了她。

The play impressed its spectators with its sense of humor.


She was deeply impressed by/with the scenery in Guilin.


It impressed me that she remembered my name .令我佩服的是她还记得我的名字。

They tried to impress a design on the table - cloth. 他们试图在桌布上印一个图案。

Please impress what you see on your mind.请把你见到的牢记在心.

She impressed (it)on me that I must come home early.他让我记住一定早点回家。



Time has left its impress upon him. 时代给他留下了痕迹。

The suspect's shoes left impresses in the snow. 嫌疑犯的鞋子在雪地里留下了压印。

Their honesty and hospitality leave an indelible impress on her life.


We should first know the impress of one's personality. 我们要首先掌握一个人的性格特征。

3)impression(动词 impress的名词形式 ) I got the impression that she ‘d like to have a word with you. 我觉得她可能想跟你谈一谈。

4)impressive (impress的形容词形式) 给人印象深刻的

The church mentioned in the text is an impressive building.




1)fail to impress 让人叹为观止

The Great Canyon never fails to impress. 大峡谷永远让人叹为观止。

2) impress sb. with sth. 某人/物给某人留下……印象

例如:The girl with cancer has impressed her doctors with her courage and determination.那个身患癌症的女孩的勇气和决心给医生们留下了深刻印象。

3))be impressed with 对…… 印象很深;be impressed by 被……所感动;对…… 印象很深;令人佩服;

例如:He will be impressed with our 20th century way of life. 他会对我们20世纪的生活方式印象深刻。I was greatly impressed by the headmaster‘s speech. 我被校长的话深深的感动了. I was quite impressed by the facilities at the new school. 那所学校的设备令我印象深刻。I was quite impressed by your typing ability. 你的打字能力令我十分佩服。

4)impress sth on / upon sb.= impress on sb. sth. 使某人铭记某物

例如:Mother impressed the importance of working hard on me .母亲使我铭记努力工作的重要性。

5)impress on sb. sth. … 使某人牢记某事

My father impressed on me the value of hard word. 我父亲叫我牢记勤奋工作的价值.

6) be impressed on one’s mind/memory ……被印在脑海里

例如:The old woman's words were deeply impressed on my memory. 老妇人的话深深印在我的记忆中。

7) impress sb as...给某人留下......的印象

例如:She impressed me as being very rude. 她给我的印象是很粗鲁。



have impression of 有……的印象

He had a vague impression of rain pounding on the hard-packed earth.他隐约的记得雨点打在坚实的地面上的情景。

leave …… impression on sb. 给某人留下了…… 印象

Her words left a lasting impression on me .他的话给我留下了难忘的印象。

The experience made an indelible impression on me. 那次经历使我难以忘怀。


1)give a bad/good impression to sb.;make a good/bad impression on sb. 给某人留下了好/坏的印象

Mary’s self-introduction gave a good impression to me. Mary’s self-introduction made a good impression on me.玛丽的自我介绍给我留下了良好的印象。

2)under the impression of / that原以为是……

I’m sorry. I was under the impression that you were general manager of your company. 对不起,我原以为你是你们公司的总经理。

三、affect, influence, impress等辨析:

1)这些动词均含“影响”之意。 affect作主语通常是物而不是人,指一物对另一物产生的消极影响。如:The amount of rain affects the growth of crops. 雨量影响作物的生长。

influence侧重在思想、性格、行为等方面所产生的潜移默化的影响,也可指自然力的影响。如:Mr. Smith is a man of influence in this town. 史密斯先生是这个镇上有权势的人物。

impress强调影响既深刻又持久。如:I was very impressed by his story. 他的故事深深打动了我。

2)impress sth. with与 impress sth. on两个都有“留下印象;使……明白重要性”的意思。区别在于with后面接something; on后面接somebody。如:1)The girl impressed her friend with her sense of humor. 这个女孩的幽默感给她的朋友留下了深刻的印象。2)He impressed the importance of their work on them.他使得他们铭记住这项工作的重要性。

3)be impressed by和 be impressed with:都有“对......留下了深刻的印象;被……所感动”。

例如:I was very impressed with their craftmanship.他们的工艺给我留下了深刻印象.

I believe the audiences will be deeply impressed by the story and scenery.我相信这部影片的情节和场面一定会给观众留下深刻印象。by 和with 起的作用基本相同,表述的是被打动的理由,而by更强调这个理由, with弱一点。一般来说,with和by后面都可接something。



impress是个多义和多词性词。可用作动词和名词。用作及物动词时。有“给某人深刻印象;铭记;印上,压印;使……记住某事的重要性”。用作名词时,有“印象;痕迹;特征”等意思,是可数名词。impress本身即可是动词又可是名词;另外,impress还有个名词形式是impression。常用于短语动词中。be impressed by和 be impressed with:都有“对......留下了深刻的印象;被……所感动”。 by 和with 起的作用基本相同。by更强调感动的理由, with弱一点。With和by后面接something; on后面接somebody。Impression可构成好多种搭配,如:impress sth on〔upon〕 sth 使…铭记 ;impress sth on〔upon〕 sb. 使某人牢记某事;impress sb. with sth 使某人对某事留下深刻印象; be impressed in sth /leave impression in sth; sth impresses itself on one's mind; be impressed by /with; make /leave a deep impression on sb 。用法见正文。



1) Deeply _____________(impress) by its beauty, I fell love with Guilin.

2) I was impressed ________the beauty of Zhangjiajie. (with, at , of, on )

3) Hangzhou is such an ___________ city that it often makes a strong ________ on visitors and its sights never fail to________ foreign tourists. (impress)


a.使我印象深刻的是她勇气 b.这个场景给我留下深刻印象;

c. 上海留给她好的印象 d.他的勇气给我们很深刻的印象。
