




复习完高频词汇,我们继续来读一篇Level2-Level3的绘本<A road for my car>。


This is the front cover,and the title is "A road for my car".


The title is "A road for my car".

Do you know what does Debbie Croft do ?

你知道Debbie Croft是做什么的么?

Debbie Croft is the author and illustrator of this book.

Debbie Croft是这本书的作者及插画者。


My car can not go on the road.


Here comes a digger.


Look at the digger.


Here comes a truck.


Look at the truck.


Here comes a bulldozer.


Look at the bulldozer.


My car can go on the road.


This is the back cover.



There is only one type of punctuation in the whole story.It is full stop,it's also called period.


1.Here comes a digger.

Here comes a truck.

Here comes a bulldozer.

Here comes Monkey.

Here comes a big dog.

Here comes Mila.

使用Here comes...造句

2.Look at the digger.

Look at the truck.

Look at the bulldozer.

Look at Monkey.

Look at Monkey and Little Teddy and Rabbit.

Look at Baby Bird.

Look at Ned's scooter!

使用Look at ... 造句

3.My car can not go on the road.

My car can go on the road.

Little Teddy can not see Monkey.

Rabbit can not see Monkey.


比如:我的弟弟不能走。My little brother can not walk.

我会刷牙。I can brush my teeth.

我的朋友小明会游泳。My friend Ming can swim.


1.digger 文中指挖掘机(dig是挖,digger准确地说应该是挖掘者,可以形容挖的人,也可以是挖的机器。挖掘机的专业说法应该是excavator。题外话:小动物里面小狗应该是最喜欢dig的了,过段时间给大家分享一本米粒儿从图书馆借阅的书,就是关于一只小汪汪总爱挖挖、刨刨,结果发现了一百多根恐龙骨架,并送到博物馆展出的故事)

2.truck 卡车(统称)这个词大家都很熟悉,有时不知道那些工程车的具体名称时,我就经常用这个词糊弄米粒儿。。。其实,truck可以是封闭的、半封闭的、装吊车的、装汽油的等等。。。

3.bulldozer 推土机,对我来说这是个新词[机智]和米粒儿共同学习[奋斗]


Construction Zone


第一排:Dump Truck翻斗卡车、Excavator挖掘机、Crane Truck起重机卡车

第二排:Bulldozer推土机、Road Roller压路机、Concrete Mixer混凝土搅拌机

配个小动画来加深一下印象吧:Construction Machines,依旧不适合哄睡嗷。



Digging holes in the ground, pushing rocks and dirt around

Lift it… Move it… Construction machines can do it

Dig dig dig with a big big digger, digging holes in the ground

Dig dig dig with a big big digger, moving rocks and dirt around

Let’s dig holes in the ground

Dig dig brmmm brmmm, Dig dig brmmm brmmm

Pushing dirt with the big bulldozer, pushing dirt is so much fun

Pushing dirt with the big bulldozer, clearing space for everyone

A bulldozer gets the job done

Push push brmmm brmmm, Push push brmmm brmmm

Digging holes in the ground, pushing rocks and dirt around

Lift it… Move it… Construction machines can do it

Brmmm brmmm brmmm brmmm

Lift it up with a big crane, lift it up here and put it down there

Lift it up with a big crane, hitch the load with a hook and chain

Lift it up with a big strong crane起重机

Lift lift brmmm brmmm, lift lift brmmm brmmm

Scoop it up with a big backhoe, scoop the dirt and let it go

Scoop it up with a big backhoe, Bucket at the back (It’s a Backhoe)反铲挖土机

Bucket at the front we go go go

Scoop scoop brmmm brmmm, scoop scoop brmmm brmmm

Digging holes in the ground, pushing rocks and dirt around

Lift it… Move it… Construction machines can do it

Digging holes in the ground, pushing rocks and dirt around

Lift it… Move it… Construction machines can do it

Construction machines can do it!
