
  编者按:2020年开年以来,新冠病毒疫情牵动着全球人民的心。随着疫情在世界多个国家蔓延,江苏各地也纷纷向其他国家和地区伸出援手,彰显疫情防控中的“江苏力量”。江苏国际频道、我苏网联合推出“We Stand with YOU” (和你在一起)系列报道,讲述在苏外籍人士积极参与疫情防控的暖心行动,也展现江苏与全球人民休戚与共,携手抗击疫情的责任担当。




3月25日,在意大利米兰马尔奔萨机场,中国第三批赴意大利抗疫医疗专家组成员与意方人员合影。 (图片来自新华网)

On March 25, China sent its third batch of medical expert team to Italy to help the country fight against the COVID-19. The 14-member expert team also brought valuable medical supplies including ventilators and patient monitors.

China’s aid moved Mauro Benvenuto, a captain of China Eastern Airlines. He sent us a video to express his gratitude for China’s support in Italy’s fight against the COVID-19.

这位机长名叫毛罗·本韦努托(Mauro Benvenuto),来自意大利罗马市。2014年,他来到江苏南京,成为中国东方航空江苏有限公司的一名机长。


Mauro Benvenuto from Italy’s Rome came to Jiangsu in 2014. He is now a captain of China Eastern Airlines.


“This shows a great sense of brotherhood and solidarity that goes beyond any political and cultural barriers,” said him.



During his stay in Nanjing, he had followed the instructions of local authorities and had stayed indoors as much as possible. He returned to Italy and has been teaching his families and friends in Italy the protective measures he learned from China.

“In here, we call it ‘Wuhan Model’,” he told us. “Me and my families have followed the government’s instructions. We all stay indoors. I believe we will win the battle against the virus.”

“The expert team warmed my heart,” he said. “In fact, only our old friend China is helping us. I will wait for the day when the pandemic is over. Then, I can go back to Nanjing to work,” said him.




China is the first country to send experts and medical supplies to Italy. Before the 3rd batch of medical aid, China had sent 22 experts and tons of medical supplies to Italy in two batches. They are all carried by China Eastern Airlines. As a member of China Eastern Airlines, Mauro Benvenuto is very proud.



Many Italians, including Mauro Benvenuto, have felt the concrete help from China. “Grazie China! Grazie di tutto!” They expressed their gratitude on social media.



此次对外抗疫援助,是新中国成立以来援助时间最集中、涉及范围最广的一次紧急人道主义行动。向意大利等近百个国家和地区提供帮助,不仅有利于国际社会共同抗击疫情,也将有助于降低我国境外输入的风险,巩固前一阶段来之不易的抗疫成果。 这场战疫的“硬仗”,中国一刻也未松懈。

To fight the COVID-19 pandemic, China has sent medical aid to almost 100 countries and regions around the world, including Italy. China is fighting together with the world!
