Winner winner,Chicken dinner!
坐标:东南西北 数字
例子:南105--North direction ONE O FIVE
在树后: behind the tree
在石头后: behind the rock
在山上: on the hill
在房子里; in the house
在1/2/3楼: on the first/second/third floor
在楼上/下: upstairs/downstairs
伐木场 logging camp;航站楼 terminal; 瞭望塔 watchtower; 宿舍 dormitory; 加油站 gas station; 灯塔 light house; 集装箱区 container yard; 超市 supermarket
建筑物:一二三楼 first second third floor; 屋顶 roof top; 车库 garage; 仓库 warehouse; 围墙 wall; 铁丝网 net ;桶 barrel; 电缆塔 pylon; 木屋 cabin; 谷仓 barn; 厕所 shed
野外:幻影坦克 (in the) bush; 大山/小山mountain/hill; 半山腰 mountainside; 大坡 slope; 小斜坡 ramp; 坑 crater; 悬崖 cliff
轰炸区:red zone
补给品:通称med;First Aid Kit/ Med Case/ Bandage/ pills/ drinks
装备:背包 backpack;防弹衣 vest;头盔 helmet;等级level 1 2 3;吉利服 Ghillie suit
车辆:通称vehicle;motobike / 3 wheel / buggy / car / jeep / UAZ / boat
步枪:M16A4说M sixteen就行
冲锋枪(SMG):UZI(乌兹)、UMP 、Vector、 Tommy
霰弹枪 (SG):S1897、S686 字母 数字(如S six eight six)
狙击步枪(SR):SKS、 Kar98K、 M24、 AWM 、VSS 、MK14 、Mini-14 字母 数字
投掷武器:手雷Grenade;震爆弹Stun Grenade;烟雾弹Smoke Grenade;燃烧瓶Molotov
快递:express / Fedex / UPS
收费站: toll station
* 跳伞:Man we are going here.(地图打点)
* 旁边有两队人: I got two squads around me.
* 学校我承包了: I'm gonna loot the school
* 桥头埋伏一波: Let's ambush the bridge.
* 他想碾死我: He's gonna run over me!
* 我从左边包抄过去: I'm gonna flank him on the left.
* 跟近点兄弟 :Stay close budies.
* 扔雷啦: Frag out./ Stun out. / Popping smoke
* 把车干炸!:Light them up!
* 有敌人要冲我楼 快来支援: There's one rushing upstairs, need assistant!
* 别打了!自己人停火 :Friendly fire!
* 我看着N方向吧: I take care of North side.
* 我这有把多余的SCAR,你们要不要?: I got a spare SCAR here, you guys need a rifle?
* 我有98K了,你有8倍镜吗?我ID是XXX: I got a Kar98, anyone got a 8 times? This is XXX.
* 给点子弹好吗:I need some (AK/AR/SMG) ammo. XXX, can you give me some ammo?
* 我旁边这栋楼有脚步声,我ID是XXX: I got movement in this building, this is XXX.
* 我看到平原上两个人在跑,NW方向往N方向: I see two men on the plain, running, northwest to north.
* 看到红房子二楼有个人,175方向和S之间,大概300米远: I see one in the red house, derection one seventy five, south, second floor, about three hundred meters away.
* 我没有暴露,随时可以开火: I'm not compromised, ready to engage.