"Most people wake up to alarms, because they don't naturally wake up at the time when they have to get up and go to work.
"So we've got a sleep deprived society - it's just that this age group, say 14-24 in particular, is more deprived than any other sector."
其中的naturally wake up(也可以说成wake up naturally)就是“自然醒”,跟中文非常对应。
sleep in 或 sleep late
但是要注意sleep late不是“晚睡”,“晚睡”是
go to sleep late 或 go to bed late
【例】We usually sleep in on Sunday mornings.
(来源:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English)
【例】We usually sleep late on Sundays.
(来源:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English)
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在大城市生活,要有狼的血性,但我们毕竟要生存,做不了狼,只能做狼狗,有狼的血性,也有狗的妥协。但是,狼狗和狗是有本质区别的,因为狼狗不吃屎。—— 蟹老板