
我闻是法音 得所未曾有 心怀大欢喜 疑网皆已除 

Hearing this Dharma sound,

I gained what I never had;

My heart is filled with great joy,

The net of doubts has been cast aside .

昔来蒙佛教 不失于大乘 佛音甚希有 能除众生恼 

我已得漏尽 闻亦除忧恼

From of old, favored with the Buddha’s teaching,

I had never lost the Greater Vehicle.

The Buddha’s sound is extremely rare,

And can rid beings of their woes.

I have already attained to the end of outflows,

Yet hearing it my woes also are dispelled.  

我处于山谷 或在林树下 若坐若经行 常思惟是事 

呜呼深自责 云何而自欺 

As I dwelt in the mountain valleys,

Sometimes at the foot of trees,

Whether sitting or walking,

I constantly thought upon this topic:

“Ah,” I cried in bitter self-reproach,

“Why have I deceived myself?

我等亦佛子 同入无漏法 不能于未来 演说无上道 

We, too, are the Buddha’s disciples,

And equally enter the non-outflow Dharma;

Yet, in the future, we shall not be able

To proclaim the Unsurpassed Path.

金色三十二 十力诸解脱 同共一法中 而不得此事 

The Golden Color, the Thirty-two,

The Ten Powers and all the Liberations

Are together in a single Dharma,

But I have not attained these things.

八十种妙好 十八不共法 如是等功德 而我皆已失 

The Eighty Wondrous Hallmarks,

The Eighteen Unshared Dharmas--

Such qualities of virtue--

I have missed them, every one.”

我独经行时 见佛在大众 名闻满十方 广饶益众生 

自惟失此利 我为自欺诳

When I used to walk alone,

I would see the Buddha in the Great Assembly,

His fame filling the ten directions,

Vastly benefiting all beings.

I felt I had lost this benefit,

And had but cheated myself. 

我常于日夜 每思惟是事 欲以问世尊 为失为不失 

Constantly, both day and night,

I thought upon this matter,

And wished to ask the World Honored One

Whether or not I had lost it.

我常见世尊 称赞诸菩萨 以是于日夜 筹量如是事 

I often saw the World Honored One

Praising all the Bodhisattvas,

And so it was, by day and night,

I pondered on matters such as these.

今闻佛音声 随宜而说法 无漏难思议 令众至道场 

Now I hear the Buddha's sound,

Opportunely speaking that Dharma

Which is without outflows--hard to conceive of--

And leads living beings to the Bodhimanda.

我本着邪见 为诸梵志师 世尊知我心 拔邪说涅槃 

Once, I was attached to deviant views,

And was a teacher of the Brahmins.

The World Honored One knew my heart,

Pulled out the deviant, and taught me Nirvana.

我悉除邪见 于空法得证 尔时心自谓 得至于灭度 

I rid myself of deviant views,

And realized the Dharma of emptiness.

Then, I said to myself

That I had arrived at Quiescence.

而今乃自觉 非是实灭度 若得作佛时 具三十二相 

But now, at last, I realize

It is not real Quiescence.

For when I become a Buddha,

Complete with the Thirty-two Marks,

天人夜叉众 龙神等恭敬 是时乃可谓 永尽灭无余 

Revered by gods, humans, and yaksha hordes,

Dragons, spirits, and others,

Only then will I be able to say,

“This is eternal Quiescence without residue.”

佛于大众中 说我当作佛 闻如是法音 疑悔悉已除 

The Buddha, in the Great Assembly,

Has said, I shall become a Buddha.

Hearing such a Dharma sound,

All my doubts have been dispelled.

初闻佛所说 心中大惊疑 将非魔作佛 恼乱我心耶 

When I first heard the Buddha speak,

My heart was filled with great fear and doubt:

“Is this not Mara disguised as the Buddha,

Come to disturb and confuse my heart?”

佛以种种缘 譬喻巧言说 其心安如海 我闻疑网断 

The Buddha, by means of various conditions,

Analogies, and ingenious speech,

Makes one's heart as calm as the sea.

Hearing him, the net of my doubts was rent.

佛说过去世 无量灭度佛 安住方便中 亦皆说是法 

The Buddha says that in the past,

The limitless Buddhas, now extinct,

Dwelling in the use of expedients,

Also spoke this Dharma--each of them.

现在未来佛 其数无有量 亦以诸方便 演说如是法 

The Buddhas of the present and future,

Their numbers without limit,

Also used expedients

To expound Dharma such as this.

如今者世尊 从生及出家 得道转法轮 亦以方便说 

Just as now, the World Honored One,

From birth until his leaving home,

His attaining the Way and turning the Dharma wheel,

Also speaks by means of expedients.

世尊说实道 波旬无此事 以是我定知 非是魔作佛 

The World Honored One speaks of the real Path.

The evil one does no such thing;

Hence, I know for certain

This is not the demon posing as the Buddha.

我堕疑网故 谓是魔所为 闻佛柔软音 深远甚微妙 

Because I had fallen into a net of doubts,

I said it was the doings of the demon.

Hearing the Buddha's compliant voice,

Profound, far-reaching, subtle and fine

演畅清净法 我心大欢喜 疑悔永已尽 安住实智中 

Proclaiming wide the clear, pure Dharma,

Great is the joy within my heart.

My doubts are forever ended,

As in Real Wisdom I stand firm.

我定当作佛 为天人所敬 转无上法轮 教化诸菩萨

I am certain to become a Buddha,

Revered by gods and humans.

I shall turn the Unsurpassed Wheel of Dharma,

To teach and transform Bodhisattvas.




