你在“学”英语“读”英语时有“用到”英语吗?China now ranks first




China now ranks first in four major areas of scientific research in terms of academic activity and influence, trailing only the United States, which leads in seven, according to the report "Research Fronts 2020".





1) Okay.I got you.When I read China now ranks first in four major areas AND the United States leads in seven,I know To rank first in means To lead ,and To lead means To rank first in.

用同义词的英语“互为解释”“互为理解”就足够达到英语“阅读”与“理解”了,为什么还非得分别把英语rank in和lead in“翻译”(读成)中文“才能懂”呢?


2) So,we can say The girl ranks first in her class,we


3) China now ranks first in four major areas of scientific research in terms of academic activity and influence.

Omay.I got you.In terms of academic activity and influence means As far as academic activity and influence are concerned.

学过英语As far as ... is concerned吗?如果“学过”为什么不把它“用”起来,多用几次这两个英语同义词不就“跟你很熟”了吗?永远“只用”英语in terms of的中文,你几时有机会“用一用”英语As far as ... is concerned呢?

4) trailing only the United States

Okay.To trail someone or something means To follow them,to go after them,to be next to them,to lag behind them.

For example

After running a kilometer, I trailed(lagged behind,followed,was next to) the other runners.


#英语思维# #研究生# #怎么自学英语#
