Hello大家好,欢迎来到媛资媛味,今天的英语媛声带,我们来聊聊化妆Makeup / Cosmetics那些事儿。


【Makeup的正确用法 】

Makeup (化妆 / 化妆品)是名词,而非动词。想表达化妆这个动作,需加上put on / do / wear / apply 这样的动词。

X I makeup. / I makeup my face.

✔ I takes me 10 minutes to do my makeup.我花了10分钟来化妆。

✔ I wear makeup because it makes me feel more confident.我化妆是因为它能让我感觉更自信。


1. 遮盖瑕疵

Some people want to hide certain parts of their skin, like scars or acne. Makeup that helps with this will conceal or cover (up) these imperfections or flaws. 有些人想隐藏皮肤上的伤疤或者粉刺,化妆就可以帮助遮盖这些缺陷了。

·scar - 伤疤

·acne - 粉刺

·conceal / cover(up) - 遮盖

2. 显气色

当一个人气色欠佳、脸色苍白的时候,可以用washed out来形容。Lipstick and blush are popular fixes for this. They can give you a healthy glow, which means that you look well-rested and youthful. 口红和腮红无疑就是快速解决面色苍白的法宝了,它们能让你瞬间容光焕发,看起来气色好,显得年轻。

3. 使肤色显匀称

You can choose a foundation to even out your skin tone. 你可以使用粉底来均衡你的肤色。

·foundation - 粉底,分为liquid foundation 粉底液和powder foundation 粉饼。

·even out - 使平坦

·skin tone - 肤色

4. 在意肤质紧致度

Some anti-aging products say they will tighten your skin, make your skin less wrinkled, and younger-looking. 一些抗衰老产品号称它们能使皮肤变得更紧绷,减少皱纹,让你看起来更年轻。

·anti-aging products - 抗衰老产品

·tighten - 紧致

·wrinkled - 皱的

5. 放大优点、突显个性

A purple eyeliner might make your eyes pop. 紫色的眼线能让你的眼睛显得更时尚。

A bright red lipstick will certainly bring out / highlight your lips. 明亮的红色口红能提亮你的唇色。

·eyeliner - 眼线笔

·bring out / highlight - 突显、增强


其实,自然的状态最好。适当的修饰目的是为了锦上添花,但是修饰过头了,The makeup is caked on. 这是句很负面的评价,千万要慎用哦。


Beauty is skin-deep. 外在并不是最重要的。





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