


语四、六级考试改革方案》对写作的要求”中,我们已经谈到大学英语四级考试中的作文考试的题型主要有以下八种:1)提纲作文, 2)情景提示作文,3)看图作文, 4)段首句作文,5)应用文, 6)关键词作文,7)命题作文, 8)缩写和摘要写作。下面我们就结合这8种题型,依次逐一分析我们在写作考试中的应对技巧和方法:

1) 提纲作文




Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic How to Prepare for a Job Interview. You should write at least 120 words,and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:





How to Prepare for a Job Interview

As we all know, the rate of employment in China is not high enough for every one. Many students, even those from some famous universities, can’t find satisfactory jobs. So if you once get a chance of interview, you should make full use of the opportunity.

The following are some of the factors you should pay attention to during interview:

Firstly, collect as much information about the company as you

can before the interview, which is the most important point for you

can never enter a company you know nothing about. In addition, if

you know more than the other interviewees, you are more likely to be

chosen, and the interviewer will be more satisfied with your presentation.

Secondly, be self-confident and lighten up. Though you don’t have much experience, you can still say to yourself “believe myself, I can do it well”. Meanwhile, you can also show your confidence with the help of your rate of speech, pitch and tone of your voice, expression through the eyes and the ability to hold the interest of the interviewer.

Thirdly, arrive at the company earlier than the time set. This will make you relaxed. During this time, you can make yourself more familiar with the company and think about what you will say later.

What’s more, dress comfortably. Your clothes should meet the situation, and you should make a good impression on others wherever you go.

These are some of the tricks for job interview, but not all. If you can work them out, I believe, it will not be very difficult for you to be successful in the job interview.




Directions: For this part, you're allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic: Advertisement. You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline given below:

1.Advertisements are playing an important role in people’s life.

2. On the other hand…

3. Therefore…



There are more and more advertisements in our daily life, we can find them in newspapers and magazines as well as on TV. In fact, they have become a part of our lives.

Advertisements are playing an important role in our life. Firstly, we can get much more information from them about jobs, prices of goods, and so on. Secondly, advertisement has become a kind of art that we can appreciate. Thirdly, they have become a fashion that can’t be discarded by the society.

On the other hand, there still exist lots of bad advertisements. These bad advertisements not only bring the rubbish to our culture, but also do harm to people.

Therefore, it is very important for us to differentiate them, which is also a very difficult task.

这是一篇根据英文提纲完成的说明文。文章首先指出“广告”无处不在。第二段结合第一点提示,详细分析“广告”在人们的日常生活中的作用,并巧妙使用“Firstly”,“Secondly”和“Thirdly”使段落层次非常分明。第三段运用“On the other hand”进行转折,指出“广告”对人们的负面影响。在最后一段中,作者简单地提出我们自己应该怎么做。


