外研版新标准英语八上M8U2的主要内容是介绍了一位厨师被蛇咬到手并及时用手机拍照进行自救的事件,语言地道、幽默通过厨师的亲身经历向学生说明了遇到突发事件时应该沉着冷静,尽力想办法自救本文就是用一种幽默的方式来讲述严肃的道理1.One day, when Henry was working in a restaurant, a snake suddenly appeared and bit his hand.一天,当亨利正在餐馆的厨房里工作时,一条蛇突然钻出来,咬了他的手(1)work in a restaurant在饭店里工作(2)bite one's 身体部位:咬了某人的......,下面我们就来说一说关于外研版八上英语第一单元句型?我们一起去了解并探讨一下这个问题吧!



外研版新标准英语八上M8U2的主要内容是介绍了一位厨师被蛇咬到手并及时用手机拍照进行自救的事件,语言地道、幽默。通过厨师的亲身经历向学生说明了遇到突发事件时应该沉着冷静,尽力想办法自救。本文就是用一种幽默的方式来讲述严肃的道理。1.One day, when Henry was working in a restaurant, a snake suddenly appeared and bit his hand.一天,当亨利正在餐馆的厨房里工作时,一条蛇突然钻出来,咬了他的手。(1)work in a restaurant在饭店里工作(2)bite one's 身体部位:咬了某人的......

2.A few days earlier, the snake arrived from Asia in a box of bananas.几天前,这条蛇被装在一箱香蕉里从亚洲运到了这里。(1)a few days earlier几天前(2)arrive到达,后面可以不接地点We arrived by plane the day before yesterday.

3.I was trying to pick it up when it bit me again.我正试图捡起它,突然它又咬了我一口。(1)try to do sth.努力做某事(2)pick up 捡起;拾起,代词放在中间 Please pick them up.

4.I threw it across the kitchen, and it landed on the table.我把它扔向了厨房的另一边,它掉落在桌子上。(1)across从……的一边到另一边,介词;穿过,介词,强调从表面横穿(2)land on(降)落到......上

5.While the snake was lying on the table, Henry quickly picked up his mobile phone and took a photo with it.当蛇躺在桌上的时候,亨利迅速拿起手机,给蛇拍了张照片。take a photo with sth. 用......照相

6.He hurried to hospital.他立刻赶往医院。hurry to sp.匆忙去某地;hurry to do sth.匆忙去做某事

7.As the doctors were checking him, the pain got worse.当医生给他做检查的时候,他的疼痛加剧了。(1)as当……的时候,连词,表示伴随,引导时间状语从句(2)get worse变得更糟,get变得,系动词,后面加形容词。The days are getting longer and longer.

8.As he was lying there in great pain, Henry suddenly remembered the photo.当亨利疼痛难忍地躺在那里,突然想起了那张照片。in great pain疼痛难忍;在巨大的疼痛中

9.As soon as they learnt what kind of snake bit him, they gave Henry the right medicine,and he left hospital the next day.他们一了解到咬伤亨利的蛇的类型时,马上给了他对症的药物,他第二天就离开了医院。(1)as soon as一......就......,引导时间状语从句(2)what kind of哪一种类的What kind of fruit do you like?(3)the next day 第二天

10.If a snake bites you, take out your mobile phone or camera.如果一条蛇咬了你,拿出你的手机或照相机。take out拿出

11.Take its photo and show the photo to the doctors,suggests Henry.给它照相,并把照片拿给医生看,Henry 建议说。(1)show sth. to sb.=show sb. sth.把某物拿给某人看(2)suggest提建议,动词。suggest doing sth./ 句子,句子中用should 动词原形,should可以省略。They suggest we (should)write four or five words a day on pieces of paper.
