



我们为什么说“do exercise”而不是“make exercise”;我们为什么说“make a mistake”而不是说“do a mistake”?




  1. do the housework(做家务)

After I got home from the office, I was too tired to do the housework.(下班回到家,我太累了真不想做家务。)

  1. do the laundry(洗衣服)

I really need to do the laundry – I don’t have any clean clothes left!(我得赶紧去洗衣服了,已经没干净衣服换了。)

  1. do the dishes(洗碗)你也可以说“wash the dishes”

I’ll make dinner if you do the dishes afterwards.(如果吃完饭你洗碗的话,我就去做饭。)

  1. do the shopping(购物)

I went to the bank, did some shopping, and mailed a package at the post office.(我去了银行,买了些东西,然后去邮局寄了个包裹。)

但是整理床铺要说“make the bed”而不是“do the bed”,因为整理床铺指的是把被子叠好,床单铺好,枕头放在合适的位置让你的床看起来干净整洁,所以你看到的是结果。



  1. do work(做工作或者干活)

I can’t go out this weekend – I have to do some work on an extra project.


  1. do homework(做作业)

You can’t watch any TV until you’ve done your homework.


  1. do business(做生意)

We do business with clients in fifteen countries.


  1. do a good/great/terrible job(事情做得很好/很烂)

She did a good job organizing the party.

(她把这次的party组织得非常好。“job” 这个词在这里并不是特指工作,它只是表示你所做的任何事情)

  1. do a report(做一个报告,也可以说write a report)

I’m doing a report on the history of American foreign policy.


  1. do a course(学一门课,也可以说take a course)

We’re doing a course at the local university.



  1. do exercise(锻炼健身)

I do at least half an hour of exercise every day.(我每天至少锻炼半个小时。)

  1. do your hair(做头发,做发型,相当于style your hair)

I’ll be ready to go in 15 minutes – I just need to do my hair.(我还要15分钟弄一下我的头发。)

  1. do your nails(美甲,相当于paint your nails)

Can you open this envelope for me? I just did my nails and they’re still wet.(你能帮我打开这个信封吗?我刚做了美甲,现在还没干。)



  1. do anything / something / everything / nothing(做任何事,做点事,事必躬亲,无所事事)

Are you doing anything special for your birthday?(你生日有什么特殊的庆祝活动?)

You can’t do everything by yourself – let me help you.(你不可能什么事都自己做,我来帮你吧。)

  1. do well(还不错)

I think I did pretty well in the interview.(我觉得这次面试我做的挺不错的。)

  1. do badly(一塌糊涂)

Everyone did badly on the test – the highest grade was 68.(这次考试大家都考的不好,最高才68分。)

  1. do good(做好事,做有用的事)

The non-profit organization has done a lot of good in the community.(这个非盈利机构为整个社区做了很多好事。)

  1. do the right thing(做正确的事)

When I found someone’s wallet on the sidewalk, I turned it in to the police because I wanted to do the right thing.(我在路边捡到个钱包,我把它交给了经常,因为我觉得这是正确的事。)

  1. do your best(尽最大的努力)

Don’t worry about getting everything perfect – just do your best.(尽你自己最大的努力就好,不要想事事都做到完美。)




  1. make breakfast/lunch/dinner(做早餐/午餐/晚餐)

I’m making dinner – it’ll be ready in about ten minutes.(我在准备晚饭,大概还要10分钟。)

  1. make a sandwich(做一个三明治)

Could you make me a turkey sandwich?(你能帮我做一个火鸡三明治吗?)

  1. make a salad(做色拉)

I made a salad for the family picnic.(家里的野餐,我拌了一个色拉。)

  1. make a cup of tea(泡一杯茶)

Would you like me to make you a cup of tea?(要我给你泡杯茶吗?)

  1. make a reservation(订位)

I’ve made a reservation for 7:30 at our favorite restaurant.(我在我们最喜欢的饭店订了个位,7点半。)


  1. make money(挣钱)

I enjoy my job, but I don’t make very much money.(我喜欢我的工作但工资不高。)

  1. make a profit(赚钱,有利润)

The new company made a profit within its first year.(这个新的公司第一年就开始赚钱了。)

  1. make a fortune(发财,发了财)

He made a fortune after his book hit #1 on the bestseller list.(他写的书在最佳销量榜上排第一,他发财了。)

  1. make $_______(赚了多少钱)

I made $250 selling my old CDs on the internet.(我在网上卖我的老CD赚了250块。)



  1. make friends(交朋友)

It’s hard to make friends when you move to a big city.(当你搬到一个大城市后很难交到朋友。)

  1. make love (做爱,相当于have sex)

The newlyweds made love on the beach during their honeymoon.(这对新婚夫妻度蜜月的时候在海滩上做爱。)

  1. make a pass at(和某人调情,相当于flirt with someone)

My best friend’s brother made a pass at me – he asked if I was single and tried to get my phone number.(我闺蜜的哥哥居然和我调情,他问我是不是单身还想问我要电话号码。)

  1. make fun of someone(取笑某人,相当于tease/mock someone)

The other kids made fun of Jimmy when he got glasses, calling him “four eyes.”(那些孩子取笑带了眼镜的Jimmy,叫他“四眼仔”。)

  1. make up(弥补,和解,和好,相当于resolve a problem in a relationship)

Karen and Jennifer made up after the big fight they had last week.(Karen和Jennifer上礼拜大吵一顿后,现在又和好了。)


  1. make a phone call(打电话)

Please excuse me – I need to make a phone call.(抱歉,我得去打个电话。)

  1. make a joke(开玩笑)

He made a joke, but it wasn’t very funny and no one laughed.(他开了玩笑,但真的不是很好笑,所有的人都没笑。)

  1. make a point(提出一个观点或建议)

Dana made some good points during the meeting; I think we should consider her ideas.(Dana在会议上提出了几个很好的观点,我觉得我们应该考虑一下。)

  1. make a bet(打一个赌)

I made a bet with Peter to see who could do more push-ups.(我和Peter打赌谁能做更多的俯卧撑。)

  1. make a complaint(投诉)

We made a complaint with our internet provider about their terrible service, but we still haven’t heard back from them.(我们投诉了网络供应商的服务糟透了,但还没得到回音。)

  1. make a confession(承认)

I need to make a confession: I was the one who ate the last piece of cake.(我得承认我吃了最后那一片披萨。)

  1. make a speech(作演讲)

The company president made a speech about ethics in the workplace.(公司的大头针对办公室的规章制度做了个演讲。)

  1. make a suggestion(提一个建议)

Can I make a suggestion? I think you should cut your hair shorter – it’d look great on you!(我能提个建议吗?我觉得你剪短发更好。)

  1. make a prediction(作出一个预测)

It’s difficult to make any predictions about the future of the economy.(很难预测未来的经济情况。)

  1. make an excuse(找一个借口)

When I asked him if he’d finished the work, he started making excuses about how he was too busy.(当我问他是不是完成了他的工作,他开始找借口说他怎么怎么忙。)

  1. make a promise(作出一个承诺,相当于promise)

I made a promise to help her whenever she needs it.(我答应她无论什么时候她需要帮助,我就会出现。)

  1. make a fuss(大惊小怪相当于demonstrate annoyance)

Stop making a fuss – he’s only late a couple minutes. I’m sure he’ll be here soon.(别大惊小怪的,他只是迟到了两分钟,我确信他马上就到了。)

  1. make an observation(观察)

I’d like to make an observation about our business plan – it’s not set in stone, so we can be flexible.(我会一直关注我们的生意计划,它并不是一尘不变的,我们可以随时做调整。)

  1. make a comment(批注)

The teacher made a few critical comments on my essay.(老师给我的作文提了很多批评意见。)

注意,不过千万不要说“make a question”,正确的说法是“ask a question”



  1. make plans(制定计划)

We’re making plans to travel to Australia next year.(我们在做一个明年去澳大利亚的旅行计划。)

  1. make a decision/choice(做一个决定/选择)

I’ve made my decision – I’m going to go to New York University, not Boston University.(我决定去纽约大学,不去波士顿大学。)

  1. make a mistake(犯了个错)

You made a few mistakes in your calculations – the correct total is $5430, not $4530.(你的计算中有蛮多的错误,正确的总金额是5430块,不是4530块。)

  1. make progress(有进展)

My students are making good progress. Their spoken English is improving a lot.(我的学生进步挺快的,他们的英语口语有了很大的提高。)

  1. make an attempt / effort(尝试,相当于try)

I’m making an effort to stop smoking this year.(今年我要戒烟。)

  1. make up your mind(做决定)

Should I buy a desktop or a laptop computer? I can’t make up my mind.(我不知道该买台式机还是手提电脑。)

  1. make a discovery(有发现)

Scientists have made an important discovery in the area of genetics.(科学家在基因领域有了重大发现。)

  1. make a list(列个清单)

I’m making a list of everything we need for the wedding: invitations, decorations, a cake, a band, the dress…(我正在列一个婚礼的清单,请柬,装饰,蛋糕,乐队,婚纱等等)

  1. make sure(确定,相当于confirm)

Can you make sure we have enough copies of the report for everybody at the meeting?(你确定开会的每个人都有一份报告吗?)

  1. make a difference(有区别)

Getting eight hours of sleep makes a big difference in my day. I have more energy!(能睡8个小时真的有很大区别,我现在精力充沛。)

  1. make an exception(破例)

Normally the teacher doesn’t accept late homework, but she made an exception for me because my backpack was stolen with my homework inside it.(一般来说老师不会接受晚交的作业,不过因为我的书包连同作业一起被偷了,所以她破例让我晚一点交了作业。)

