Duolingo 是一种英语语言能力测试,可帮助学生在申请高等教育等各种目的时证明自己的英语水平。与其他考试一样,Duolingo 英语测试侧重于语言的四个方面:听、说、读、写




· 如果你在集体面前说话有困难,可在镜子前练习。

· 说话时,使用代词和介词时要极其谨慎。应该利用在语法上正确的术语。

· 谨慎地说出整个句子,因为许多人只是说出其中的一部分。

· 与讲流利英语的人进行对话。

· 不要试图模仿口音,而要做自己。

Speak About the Photo 关于照片的演讲



  • 0:30 minimum
  • 1:30 maximum


  • Production
  • Conversation


  • You will discuss a picture that comes on the screen in this exercise.在这个练习中,你将讨论屏幕上出现的一张图片。
  • The guidelines and picture will display for 20 seconds before moving to the record screen automatically. 指南和图片将显示20秒,然后自动转到记录屏幕。
  • You may also manually proceed by clicking NEXT. 你也可以通过点击NEXT手动进行。
  • Before going on, you must talk for a minimum of 30 seconds. 在继续之前,你必须至少讲30秒。

Quick Tips:

  • Try to describe the image as if you were explaining it to someone who has never seen it before.Maintain a regular conversational tempo and properly enunciate your words.Don’t worry if you misspell a word or phrase; just recover and continue.You are given 20 seconds to look at the image before the recording begins automatically. Take some time to observe and mentally prepare your reaction before you record it.You’ll be able to talk while looking at the photo.You cannot re-record your answer. 尽量描述图片,就像你在向一个从未见过它的人解释它一样。保持正常的对话节奏,正确发音。如果你拼错了一个单词或短语,不要担心,只要恢复并继续。在录音自动开始之前,你有20秒的时间看图片。在录制之前,花一些时间观察并在心理上准备好你的反应。你可以边看照片边说话,你不能重新录制你的答案。
Read, Then Speak 阅读,再演讲



  • 30 seconds (minimum)
  • 1min 30 secs (maximum)


  • Production
  • Conversation


  • This sort of query will have a text prompt. 这种查询会有一个文字提示。
  • You will respond to this question for 30 seconds. 你将在30秒内对这个问题作出回应。
  • It will appear for 20 seconds before the timer. 它将在定时器前出现20秒。

Quick Tips:

  • While speaking fluently and effectively, use a range of language and structures. 在流利和有效地说话的同时,使用一系列的语言和结构。
  • Ascertain that you’ve covered all parts of the issue. 确定你已经涵盖了问题的所有部分。
  • Take your time reading the question and thinking about your response before the test moves on to the recording screen. 在考试进入录音屏幕前,慢慢阅读问题并思考你的回答。
  • You will be able to see the question while voicing your response. 你将能够看到问题,同时说出你的回答。