a bit 和 a little 在意思上非常相似,都表示一点点,有点儿,下面我们就来说一说关于a bit和a little的意思?我们一起去了解并探讨一下这个问题吧!

a bit和a little的意思(词义辨析abit)

a bit和a little的意思

a bit 和 a little 在意思上非常相似,都表示一点点,有点儿。


● He is a bit like his father. 他有点像他的父亲。

● He is a little like his father. 他有点像他的父亲。

● The speaker spoke a bit louder in order to make himself heard more clearly. 讲话人把嗓门提高了一点儿,以便让别人听得更清楚。

修饰形容词时,通常都与那些表示负面意义的形容词(如∶tired, cold, sick, sad, serious等)联用。

● The man was 【a bit/a little】 tired. 这个人有点儿累了。

● I think these boxes are [a bit/a little]heavy. 我想这些箱子有点儿重吧。

而通常不用于修饰表示正面意义的形容词(如∶good, well, happy, glad, satisfied 等)联用。

误∶He is 【a bit/a little】 well.

误∶It is 【a bit/a little】 cheap.


● He's feeling 【a bit/a little】 better. 他感觉好些了。

● It is 【a bit/a little】 cheaper. 它要便宜些。


用作定语,表达数量时:a bit 后要加 of, a little 则不用。

● She ate a bit of bread for lunch. 她午饭就吃了一点点面包。

● She ate a little bread for lunch. 她午饭就吃了一点点面包。

● He may need 【a bit of/a little】 help. 他也许需要点帮助。

注: 但是若名词前有my , this, the等限定词修饰,则不能直接用 a little ,而要用 a little of

● I taste a little of this wine.我尝了一点儿这种酒。

注∶a bit of 后有时接单数可数名词表示有点(像)

● He is a bit of a poet. 他有点像诗人。

● She was in a bit of a hurry. 她有点儿匆匆忙忙。


否定修饰后,not a bit 和 not a little 的含义相差很大

not a bit 表示一点也不,相当于 not at all 、not in the least 之意。

● He is not a bit like his father. 他一点也不像他父亲。

● Are you hungry? No, not a bit. 你饿了吗? 不,一点也不饿。

● She is not a bit happy. 她很不开心。

not a little 表示非常,很,相当于very(much)、a lot之意。

● He is not a little like his father. 他很像他的父亲。

● I am not a little surprised at the news. 我对这个消息深感惊讶。

● The boy was not a little worried because he hadn't heard from her parents for a long time. 那个男孩很担心,因为好久没收到父母的来信了。

扩展∶有时 bit 之前,还可以加 little ,进一步修饰程度之低

● I'm a little bit tired. Let's take a short rest. 我稍有点累了。让我们休息一会儿。
