
TOKYO——Thirteen same-sex couples demanding marriage equality filed lawsuits against the government at district courts across Japan on Valentine's Day on Thursday arguing that its refusal to allow them to marry is unconstitutional and discriminatory.


Each of the 26 plaintiffs is seeking 1 million yen in compensation claiming that the government's failure to recognize same-sex marriage has caused them emotional distress in what their lawyers say is the country's first lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of such negligence.


The damages suits were jointly filed by the couples who are in their 20s through their 50s and include Japanese and foreign partners at the district courts in Tokyo Nagoya Osaka and Sapporo.


"We are starting a long fight to pursue marriage equality through the courts. We would like to fight with all the sexual minorities in the country and their allies" said Kenji Aiba a 40-year-old plaintiff in front of the Tokyo District Court.

在东京地方法院前,40岁的原告相场谦治(Kenji Aiba)如是说,“我们正通过法庭开始一场追求婚姻平等的长久斗争。我们愿同本国所有的性少数群体和其盟友们一道战斗。”

The 13 couples hope their complaint will lead to a change so that same-sex couples will be recognized by Japanese society and as their brief says "Have their difficulties resolved and their dignity restored."


The argument over marriage equality revolves around Article 24 of the Constitution which stipulates "Marriage shall be based only on the mutual consent of both sexes and it shall be maintained through mutual cooperation with the equal rights of husband and wife as a basis."


The plaintiffs' lawyers argue that the article's intent was to preserve gender equality and individual respect and it does not preclude marriage between same sexes.


"Article 24 ensures that legal marriage only depends on the agreed-upon wish by individuals without intervention from the government or other third parties" their brief reads.



Without marriage equality same-sex couples cannot inherit property without a will benefit from income tax deductions for spouses or have co-parental rights over their children.


For international couples non-recognition adds another layer of complexity. Residency for foreign partners cannot be assured without a spousal visa says Kristina Baumann a 32-year-old German plaintiff who has been with Ai Nakajima 40 since 2011 and is in Japan on a student visa. They have already tied the knot in Germany.

对于跨国伴侣来说,不被承认另添一层复杂性。32岁的德国原告克里斯蒂娜·鲍曼(Kristina Baumann)表示,如果没有配偶签证,外国伴侣的居留权将无法得到保证。自2011年以来就与现40岁的中岛爱(Ai Nakajima)结为伴侣,她一直靠的学生签证待在日本。她们已经在德国结了婚。

"Our daily life is always surrounded by fear that something could happen" Baumann told Kyodo News after the couple had filed the lawsuit.


Same-sex marriage was first legalized in the Netherlands in 2001. It is currently recognized in more than two dozen nations and areas mostly in Europe the latest being Austria in January.


In Asia Taiwan is expected to become first in the region to recognize it in May.


"I really think this is an important step to go forward for Japanese society" said Baumann. "When it goes through Japan other countries may take steps forward."


"This is another milestone for Japanese history and also for LGBTQ in the world" added her partner Nakajima. She is ready to take the fight up to the Supreme Court. "Somebody has to take action" she said.


In Japan at least one in 11 people identify as lesbian gay bisexual or transgender according to a survey conducted last October by advertising giant Dentsu Inc. covering 60000 people aged between 20 and 59 nationwide.

根据日本广告巨头电通集团(Dentsu Inc.)去年10月进行的一项覆盖全国6万名年龄在20岁至59岁人口调查的结果显示,在日本,11个人中至少有1人是女同性恋、男同性恋、双性恋或跨性别者。

Discriminatory comments are still being made in the country against the LGBT community. Last year a lawmaker from the ruling Liberal Democratic Party Mio Sugita faced criticism for saying in a magazine article that the government should not support sexual-minority couples because they cannot bear offspring and thus are not "productive."

该国对性少数群体的歧视性言论仍存在。去年,执政的自由民主党议员杉田美绪(Mio Sugita)在一篇杂志文章中称,政府不应该支持性少数伴侣,因为他们无法繁衍后代,因此不具“生产力”。


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 转载请注明出处

Bugle Boy of Company B

If this is about equal rights I’m happy to support some type of civil unx that allows gay couples the same rights as married couples.

But I don’t want to be called a marriage. That’s reserved for heterosexual couples.



[But I don’t want to be called a marriage.]

Why not? What difference does it make to your life?




[@Bugle Boy:But I don’t want to be called a marriage.]

Don't worry. No one's suggesting calling it marriage.

It's going to be called kekkon.

【@Bugle Boy:但是我不想这被称之为“婚姻”。】



Saying only mixed-gender couples marriages are real marriages diminishes the committment the reality of the marriages of same-gender couples.

I'm curious as to how you define marriage. What sets it apart from say common-law marriages?



For me the main difference is the paperwork. When you marry you legally create new family connections. Those connections have legal implications. Only immediate family can do such and such. Visit in the ICU. Get a spouse visa. Inherit a shared home /inherit without paying taxes etc. (lots of variation by jurisdiction).


I think if you keep openly asking questions and people like gokai_wo_maneku continue to reply through dialogue your ideas might well continue to evolve as well. (I say continue because if you thought back to what your opinions were in 1989 I'm thinking you'll probably see there's already been some drift.



My partner and I have been together for 22 years (we met in junior high school). We'd really like to get married. I mean really married not just a "partnership". We've lasted longer than several of our straight friend couples.


JJ Jetplane

When they say 1 in 11 that simply means the amount of people that actually responded out of the people they surveyed. This does not represent the actual number and there are still some people who are uncomfortable with coming out.


I seriously can’t understand why so many are against same sex marriages. A loving family is a loving family. Doesn’t matter what differences or similarities there are. Also it makes sense economically. Also happy people are more motivated.




[The LGBT people are demanding “equal rights“. While I can support that I cannot support redefining words.]

Words are redefined in English ALL the time. Hell are you "gay?" Used to have a TOTALLY different meaning if you didnt know. How about "fag?" Could you spare one? I still run out of smokes every now and then and my fire needs relighting too!



You are emotionally attached to a word. Nothing more nothing less. Get over the word and guess what?

You will be enlightened!


Amir Marzouk

I love my partner but I believe all people should be allowed to suffer through marriage just like everyone else.



Good luck to these couples! I hope they'll be able to make a change and the government will realize that homosexual couples are just as deserving as any other.

Everybody is a right to pursue happiness as long as not harming other people. Why do people try to interfere and force their own belief on other people's life? It is just a start of hatred and violence. Ignorance causes fear fear causes hatred and hatred causes violence.



[In Japan at least one in 11 people identify as lesbian......nationwide]

One in 11 ???? Really?? (No judgement here but honestly surprised with the number).




Good luck to them ! Whatever the result at least the debate will be inevitable.



I was surprised too but I checked :

The numbers differ from countries obviously but above 5% of the population seems common.

1 in 11 in Japan must be like 7-8% I guess so the number is pretty normal.


Patricia Yarrow

I wish them every success. Marriage is for people in love and who want to commit to staying together before society. They should be recognized and fully brought into that society. After that it is not your business or mine. Very nice photo by the way. Quite like the double-O icon.

我祝他们能成功。婚姻是为那些相爱的两个人、是为那些想在社会见证下承诺会相守一生的人所准备的。他们(的关系)应当被承认,被社会所接受。在那之后,这事就与你我无关了不是。顺便说句,文章配图不错,很有 迈克尔·阿吉拉尔(double-O)的感觉。

The Avenger

To each his own.


Rolf Anderson

I support marriage equality which is why I do not support same-sex marriage since it has nothing to do with marriage ((one man (husband) one woman (wife) for one lifetime)) nor equality (the right of marriage is already shared by all citizens equally).



Japan a country so associated with development and the latest tech sure are faaar behind on the human side of things. And it's the dumbest and simplest issues of all. Just legalize it. Literally nothing in your lives will be affected except some others may be more equal to you.



Best of luck...win win situation.

I will take the pragmatic point of view. If 2 people commit to each other and helping each other during both good times and tough times it is less of a burden for society as a whole. If these people are happy it is better for society as a whole.

Don't see the downside of this...

Good luck folks!!!!


Bugle Boy of Company B

[I will take the pragmatic point of view.......Good luck folks!!!!]

Agree! Have a civil unx! Get tax breaks or whatever else married couples get!



Open Minded

Having their claim written in English clearly speaks that they have no hope from Japan and are seeking help from abroad.



I don't see any issue with this type of Marriage in Japan - there's no Religious obxtion. Though it's going to cause one heck of a mess with the paperwork and ancient Computer systems when you try to register. Maybe that's the reason for the Governments dragging of feet over this matter ?



Marriage is marriage as simple as that.


Jonathan Prin

I just don't want even a second to be thought I am gay since I got married with a defined word. Is that a good reason ?




For what it's worth marriage is a wonderful thing between two people. And that's regardless of sexual orientation. Government officials here are close minded and ignorant. God forbid two people should love each other regardless of sex! Obviously these officials don't know what love is! To deny people who love each other the right to marry is abhorrent. There should be no restrictions between consenting adults! Someday this pathetic old boy government will be gone and Japan can move forward from the dark ages!



Another publicity event based upon idealized personal issues which disrupts the social and political environment in Japan. The use of the media and public sentiment to change a social and legal system may be effective in a narrow sense to satisfy personal needs and priorities but the total effect on a very closed and tradition oriented country where discreet and formal protocol is a social necessity can have results and effects that may not be beneficial for the future of people relationships within Japan.


It will certainly affect the legal issues currently in question as to "family responsibility" for "individual" action by a member of that group. (For example: The rail system still charges the family of a "suicide" victim for the cost and loss of revenue because of that act.)


As in any country personal issues expressed politically and in an attempt to change the legal system in place can have major side effects. It is not like a Temple willing to "marry" such gay couples.


Toasted Heretic

Homosexuality is entirely natural. And marriage is about two people who love each other getting hitched.

If you're against it; fine. Just don't take out your irrational fears on people seeking equality.


[If you want to be the same as a normal couple do the same thing.]

Gay people are normal. And that's why they're getting married.




Im still not sure why people are still fighting for Gay Marriage. If love is what matters why are they fighting so hard for a legal contract? For me marriage is only important if you're going to start a family. Other than that your just changing names. Have a ceremony buy rings and love each other. What are they really wanting to get out of this?

