开关 [kāi guān]:switch derail disjunctor on-off双语例句:I was confronted with an array of knobs, levers, and switches.我面对的是一大堆旋钮、控制杆和开关Prince Edward threw the switch to light the illuminations.爱德华王子按动开关亮起彩灯Vicky Brown arrived home to find the men disconnecting her microwave.维基·布朗到家时发现那些人正在断开她微波炉的开关,下面我们就来说一说关于开关的英文翻译?我们一起去了解并探讨一下这个问题吧!



开关 [kāi guān]:switch derail disjunctor on-off

双语例句:I was confronted with an array of knobs, levers, and switches.我面对的是一大堆旋钮、控制杆和开关。Prince Edward threw the switch to light the illuminations.爱德华王子按动开关亮起彩灯。Vicky Brown arrived home to find the men disconnecting her microwave.维基·布朗到家时发现那些人正在断开她微波炉的开关。