



一般疑问句的变法:首先在句子中找be动词(am is are)情态动词,然后将其提到句首,把句中的第一人称 I&My 变为第二人称You&Your。

This is my book Is this your book?

I can help her Can you help her?

一般疑问句的回答:肯定回答: yes it is 否定回答: No it isn’t


I want to go home do you want to go home ?

She wants to go home does she want to go home?

否定句变法:首先在句子中找be动词(am is are)情态动词 然后在其后加not

I am a student I am not a student

I can help her I can not help her


I want to go home she wants to go home

I do not want to go home she does not want to go home


He can come now

There is a newspaper on the desk

He wants a new car

They like ice cream

He comes from Germany

He feels ill

He has a headache


This is my book

I am a teacher

She is my sister

He can spell it

I do my homework every night

She has a new car

I want a newspaper
