



1. Determine which promises you can't afford to break 确定哪些承诺必须恪守

In a chaotic world, promises matter. Just ask Jaime "Kingslayer" Lannister, the guy with the worst exit interview in Westeros. After swearing an oath to protect the last Targaryen king, Jaime stabbed his employer in the back. Literally. Granted, that particular CEO was a maniac who set people on fire. But once a reputation for honesty is tainted, there's no going back.在一个混乱的世界里,承诺非常重要。这事只要问问“弑君者”詹姆·兰尼斯特。这家伙在“日落国度”维斯特洛(Westeros)的离职面谈最不堪。詹姆刚刚还信誓旦旦地要保护坦格利安最后一位国王,话音未落,他就从背后捅了自己的老板一刀。事实就是这样。当然,那位CEO是一个人人难以忍受的疯子。但一个人诚实的名声一旦受到玷污,便很难修复。

In Game of Thrones, as in life, oath-breaking can create strategic liabilities. Consider Robb Stark, who throughout the second season leans heavily on a web of contractual dependencies, most notably to Lord Walder Frey, an Ebenezer Scrooge lookalike who controls the only land access between Robb's kingdom in the north and the fighting in the south. Frey can scissor Robb's supply lines at will. The only guarantee that he won't is Robb's commitment to marry Frey's daughter. Robb violates the contract at the end of the second season when he falls for, and marries, a Red Cross volunteer. Lord Frey will not be pleased. Before breaching a contract, be certain you can bear the cost.和现实生活中一样,在《权力的游戏》中通过发誓可以建立战略责任。例如,罗伯·斯塔克在整个第二季中都高度依赖契约联盟,特别是酷似埃比尼泽·斯克鲁奇的沃尔德·弗瑞公爵。弗瑞控制着北方罗伯王国与南境雄兵之间唯一的土地连接地带,可以随时切断罗伯的供应线。弗瑞承诺可以不这么干,唯一的条件是罗伯答应与他的女儿结婚。第二季结束时,罗伯违反了契约,爱上了维斯特林家族的简妮·维斯特林,还和她结了婚。弗瑞公爵自然不高兴。所以,违反一项契约前,要确定你能承受违约的代价。

2. Protect your strongest assets保护最宝贵的资产

Every upstart needs capital. While exiled princess Daenarys Targaryen may ultimately emerge as a winner in the game of thrones, she spent season two as a cash-strapped entrepreneur. Given her dragons' long maturation time -- they're about the size of Easter hams -- they are a few seasons away from being the kind of force multipliers that will attract investment. As a result, the khaleesi awkwardly attempts to raise unsecured loans from the merchant kings of Qarth. The wily lot may be excused for not jumping at the Mother of Dragons' elevator pitch. A scraggly band of followers, a tenuous claim to a distant throne, and no business plan are not exactly music to a venture capitalist's ears.每个新贵都需要资本。虽然流亡公主丹妮莉丝·坦格利安最终可能是权力游戏的赢家,但在第二季她就像是一个捉襟见肘的企业家。由于她的龙群需要很长的时间长大——现在的它们就像复活节火腿那么大——还需要有几季,它们才能成为生力军,引来投资。因此,这位公主艰难地试图从Qarth的商人之王那里筹集无担保贷款。这群狡猾的家伙没有欣然接受龙之母的电梯推销,或许情有可原。一群参差不齐的追随者,渺茫的复辟希望,语焉不详的商业计划,这些都难以让风险投资人感兴趣。

Yet in spite of Daenarys's weak bargaining position, she avoids bad terms. By the end of season two, she has successfully navigated Qarth's den of vipers -- the most venomous, it turns out, being the man who promised her immense wealth in return for her hand in marriage. In Game of Thrones' dynastic world, marriage is merger. Aside from the dragons, being single is Daenarys's most valuable asset, one she's careful not to give away. This caution bears fruit. When it turns out that her disingenuous suitor's vaults are, in fact, empty, Daenarys learns the importance of scrutinizing a potential partner's balance sheet.尽管丹妮莉丝在谈判中处于弱势,但她还是努力避免了陷于不利境地。第二季结束时,她已经成功穿过了Qarth的蝰蛇洞——最毒的蝰蛇就是那个曾许以她巨大财富、希望娶她的男人。《权力的游戏》描绘的王朝世界中,婚姻就是合并。除了龙群,单身是丹妮莉丝最宝贵的资产,就是不轻易许人。这种谨慎得到了回报。丹妮莉丝发现,这位虚伪的追求者金库里空空如也。这时,她懂得了严格审查一位潜在合伙人资产负债表的重要性。

3. Cultivate middle management培养中层管理者

A CEO can't be everywhere. In a world without videoconferencing -- and where note-carrying ravens are a slow (though bizarrely reliable) precursor to email -- it's tough to keep an eye on your investments. The solution is in delegation.CEO不可能无时不刻都在。在一个没有视频会议、依赖飞鸽传信(可靠性之高令人惊异)的世界中,很难时刻盯牢自己的投资。解决方案就是授权。

The best leaders in the Seven Kingdoms have an eye for talent. The most inspired act of executive recruitment? Tywin Lannister naming his son Tyrion as acting King's Hand.七大王国中最好的领导者具有发掘人才的慧眼。最出色的高管招募是哪一位?泰温·兰尼斯特。他提名自己的儿子提利昂为代理御前首相。

Tyrion runs King's Landing like a turnaround expert. He is a master of radical adaptation, particularly in his creative deployment of wildfire. A previously shuttered R&D program, wildfire is a tactical nuke crossed with a Zippo lighter. Tyrion spots an opportunity for a new product launch. The result: a disruptive innovation that largely destroys his enemy's fleet.提利昂管理起君临城(King's Landing)来就像是一位扭转乾坤的专家。他大刀阔斧地革故鼎新,特别是创造性地运用了希腊火。希腊火这个曾经被搁置的研发项目,加上一个Zippo 打火机,堪比战术核武器。提利昂发现了一个推出新产品的机会。结果:一项颠覆性的创新基本上摧毁了敌方舰队。

But how do you hold on to top talent, especially when they're being poached by shifty competitors? Offering competitive compensation is only part of it. In Tyrion's case, he's fully vested in Lannister, Inc., and his fortunes will rise and fall with the management.但如何才能留住一流人才,特别是面临竞争对手暗地挖角的时候?提供有竞争力的薪酬只是一部分。就提利昂而言,他完全归属于兰尼斯特这一家族企业,他的命运起伏系于管理好坏。

When a delicate alignment of interests breaks down, leaders face a principal-agent problem: An ambitious hireling may end up pursuing his own interests over his employer's. In the second season, Robb Stark trusts in his personal relationship with Theon Greyjoy, who ventures off to the Iron Islands to recruit his kin to aid the North. But in a grim pivot, Theon turns his cloak, leading a war party to capture Robb's capital.一旦微妙的利益平衡被打破,领导者们会面临委托人-代理人矛盾:雄心勃勃的雇工可能最终将自己的利益凌驾于雇主之上。第二季中,罗伯·斯塔克信赖与席恩· 葛雷乔伊的个人关系,后者曾冒险跑到铁群岛去招募亲戚,协助罗伯的北方之国。但经过一番痛苦的挣扎,席恩变节,引入敌军,侵吞了罗伯的资产。

4. Be wary of external hires外部雇人要谨慎

The best executives are promoted from within. They understand their institution and its personalities. Robb Stark is exemplary. He tames recalcitrant board members through a mixture of personal appeal, strong-arming, and ego massage. Intimate knowledge of the Stark organization makes possible Robb's consultative style of leadership.最好的管理者是从内部提拔上来的。他们了解所处的环境和人员。罗伯·斯塔克就是一个典型。他通过个人魅力、铁腕手段以及嘉许肯定,驯服了不听话的董事会成员。斯塔克对组织成员了如指掌,因此,他的洽商式领导才成为可能。

By contrast, consider Theon Greyjoy. A job-hopper from the Stark camp hired as a junior executive for Pyke, Theon is derided as an outsider by his men. Consequently, Theon's policies are designed not for long-term strategic purposes, but to earn his team's respect. This slide into institutional insularity leads him to brutally execute an old friend, Rodrik Cassel, and to claim (falsely) to have killed his foster brothers, Bran and Rikkon. Theon grabs headlines but can't secure market share. This does not delight shareholders -- and in Westeros, there's no such thing as a golden parachute.与之形成对比的是席恩·葛雷乔伊。这位斯塔克阵营的叛逃者受雇成为派克(Pyke)的一位低级官员,被底下人嘲笑为外来户。因此,席恩的政策不是着眼于长期战略考虑,而是更注重如何建立团队的声誉。陷入这样的组织狭隘,导致他残忍地处决了一位老朋友罗德利克·凯索,(假)称他杀害了同奶兄弟布莱恩和瑞肯。席恩虽然吸引了媒体的关注,但却无法获得市场份额。这样不会让股东满意——而在维斯特洛,并没有金色降落伞这样的东西。

5. Being right is not enough光是正确还不够

This is the Ned Stark Rule. Honor, mercy, and fairness will not protect you against your rivals. Though one of the most popular characters in season one, Ned was a colossal failure as King's Hand to Robert Baratheon. He was too focused on institutional legitimacy. He expected others to put aside their interests and respect precedent. As a result, he ended up dead, with his family endangered. As Stannis Baratheon learns, being "right" means nothing when you lack the resources to back it up.这就是内德·斯塔克规则。荣誉、宽容和公平不会保护你免受对手伤害。虽然内德在第一季中是最受欢迎的人物之一,但他作为罗伯特·拜拉席恩的御前首相却是一个巨大的失败。他太专注于机构合法性。他期待其他人将自己的利益放在一边,遵照先例。结果,他死了,他的家人也几乎被赶尽杀绝。正如史坦尼斯·拜拉席恩认识到的那样,如果缺乏必要的资源提供支持,“正确”就什么也不是。

Yet muscle isn't enough either. While King Joffrey sits on the Iron Throne and has the manpower to enforce his rule, his legitimacy as a leader is in question. This is partly due to doubts about his parentage, but the proximate cause is that he's a despotic twit who openly despises his people. When Joffrey & Co. are nearly torn apart by a starving mob, that's karma knocking on the door.但光凭武力也不够。乔弗里国王坐在铁王座上有能力实施自己的统治,但他作为领导人的合法性受到质疑。部分原因在于,他的父母亲不明,但更近一步的原因则是因为他是一个白痴暴君,公开鄙视国民。所以,乔弗里和他的国家被饥饿的暴民推翻正是因果报应。

While a sword may be necessary to force some into line, a leader must be perceived as serving the interests of the majority. That's why Renly Baratheon appealed, and why a servant-leader, like Daenarys, may come out on top. When used in a conservative, thoughtful manner, power enhances legitimacy; when unconstrained, power undermines. Striking that balance is the real secret to winning the game of thrones, in Westeros and elsewhere.宝剑锋芒固然能让一些人恭顺,但一位领导人必须建立为大多数人利益服务的形象。这就是为什么蓝礼·拜拉席恩会受到欢迎,为什么像丹妮莉丝这样的公仆领导最后能登上权力巅峰。如果权力的运用谨慎、有节制,权力能增强其合法性;如果权力不受约束,就会导致倾覆。如何平衡权力是赢得权力游戏的真正秘诀,不管是在维斯特洛,还是其他地方。



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